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  1. L

    Should I compete? Opinion about my physique, progress

    @%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%BE Bro, I mean this as nicely as possible. No. Your legs look like they belong on a 12 year old girl. Get a squat rack and start squatting two days a week with really high intensity. Build a base and then start hitting all your leg groups, hard, for at least 2...
  2. L

    How are most of workout routines full of junk volume?

    @rijesusfreak Same. I have no idea how someone can do an entire back day with 6 sets. GTFO here....and then they cant figure out why they aint growing. I dont even bother answering this shit anymore. Idc that somebody on instagram who works out for a living who is on grams of test a week...
  3. L

    I need over 4100 calories a day according to this calculator... Anymore ideas on easy sources of calories?

    @naomigabrielle This is the way. In todays world everyone talks macros and over analyzes the shit outta everything without the old good conversations of calorie density. If you dont eat "calorie dense" foods while on a bulk, you will hate life after a while. Its truly difficult to eat 5K...
  4. L

    Do you guys use any supplements?

    @mayaann Creatine pre workout and ON protein powders. Casein and whey depending on time. A good multivitamin. And a lot of good food. Anything else is icing on the cake. At one time attempted the old ZMA mix. I ended up with the wildest dreams of all time (well established side effect)...
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    M 33 6’4 (193) 210 (95.25) in the midst of a cut after bulking from 200-220 (oct-feb)

    @jord1999 Last interaction was a good one. It was on a thread where everyone was freakin out over our lifting volume. Lol. Recognized the pic, thats why I took the time to respond. Didnt know you have photos (assuming linked to career or personal, whatever...) coming up. Thats why I...
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    M 33 6’4 (193) 210 (95.25) in the midst of a cut after bulking from 200-220 (oct-feb)

    @jord1999 Ok man. You and I have interacted here before. Heres an objective outside OPINION, which everyone knows are like Fuck cutting. You went up 20 lbs, were hitting PRs and doing great. Looking at those two pictures objectively, you bearly gained any bodyfat. Definately...