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  1. K

    1st week gym

    @ivans Thank you for your reply I actually read some part of the wiki and as you said my program is based on that As I'm a beginner I want to start taking it slowly and learning the moves and getting the habit of performing good forms if that makes sense
  2. K

    1st week gym

    @mommajulesberry Actually I thought a 10 min jog would be a good warm up As even in the fitness wiki it's recommended to have some cardio
  3. K

    1st week gym

    Hey guys sup? Soo after many years of fears I finally stepped into a gym I've researched a lot on the subject and have found a starting point, I'd share my workout program below and I'd like to know what you guys think about it The first day it was kind of scary, but now I start feeling more...