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    24kg or double 12s

    @dmk741 You can lift 2x16 forever if you follow sport methodology. World champions regularly cycle down to 16s as part of their periodization. So in that sense it's a good investment. But for someone strictly into bodybuildng/fitness lifting, it would be insane to spend $400 on 2x16 prokb when...
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    24kg or double 12s

    @dmk741 My perspective as somewhat of a kb nerd might not be the most applicable to your goals, but imo you should get the 24 prokb, then a 2nd 20kg, then a 2nd 24 prokb. This is only because you said you don't want 2x16, which is the best all around kb combo, with the caveat that hardstyle 16s...
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    How do y'all do KB swings and Heavy weight training?

    @rswembraced One arm swings (with the 35) switching hands every 10. Start with 40, try to get to 200. You don't get hypertrophy with light swings so it shouldnt interfere with your bodybuilding - do it as a cool down, or on the morning , or ln off days. Source
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    Killer exercises for athleticism in combat sports ?

    @returner Here is Sergei Rudnevs thoughts on it from a recent podcast, he shows an interesting kind of alternating press
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    Unstructured C&P training

    @imsome Doing lots of low rep clean and press sets may be good (people sure do love Geoff Neupert's™ The Giant™ around here) but's definitely not how Russian kettlebell athletes train. Not that anyone is obligated to use kettlebells like a Russian, Pavel certainly never advocated for that.
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    What’s a strong press?

    @cristina49 Fwiw those numbers are considered outdated/irrelevant in the modern kb sport world, I just thought it was an interesting metric for "strong for a kettlebell specialist." Some contemporary coaches even consider bench press to be counterproductive, and there have been world records set...
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    What’s a strong press?

    @birdbrain27 Huh, I am nowhere close to any of those numbers but I can press 32kg for 1/1 on a good day - I feel like getting to 6/6 Is a more realistic goal for me than ever squatting 285 in my lifetime
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    What’s a strong press?

    @professor It's not exactly clear from the original material but its probably meant as 6-8 reps per arm with one hand switch.
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    What’s a strong press?

    @professor Vorotyntsevs 2002 kettlebell training manual lists "approximate indicators of strength and endurance that should be strived for in the process of general physical training for those specialized in kettlebell lifting." For an 80kg athlete: 100kg bench, 130kg deadlift, 130kg squat...
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    Combining kettlebell and heavy club training?

    @jackier293 Karthik Vilwanathan has good demonstrations on YouTube.
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    Combining kettlebell and heavy club training?

    @chou91 I had the same experience - too much forearm/wrist/grip load - and I also used mostly 16lb club (or a pair of 8lbs) in a Wildman-inspired system. In my opinion 8-12lbs is ideal for a club - lighter and it doesnt cast well, heavier and your grip will burn out and mainly just from...
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    Kettlebell College Class Feedback

    @nikkie7 Snatch and jerk are the foundational kettlebell movements :) I have posted the actual (draft) kettlebell curriculum for the Russian national physical education system, if you are interested in what that looks like.
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    Training for 10min Long Cycle

    @juulia Check out some of the content here. It's quite a bit of reading, but it's describes the official IUKL approach to programming.
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    Combining kettlebell and heavy club training?

    @premier3092 @worshipjunkie-Tank-7224 also has a very impressive club collection in the background of some of his kettlebell videos