
  1. W

    I’m approaching 50, vegetarian, and am about 60 pounds overweight. I want to start a full body transformation what should I do?

    I’ve worked out in the past. Lifted weights when I was younger and expect that will be part of the routine. I’m also vegetarian (but vegan options would be best) so any advice on diet would be welcomed. Basically I’d like to pull off what Rob McElhenney did since I’m just a bit older and about...
  2. D

    advice appreciated

    In the last month I have begun a lifestyle change. I have transitioned to a low carb high protein diet to dispose of a grief belly I accumulated during my morning process. My question is about exercise. I was getting zero exercise before. Currently I'm walking 20 minutes a high cardio...
  3. R

    Getting back to the gym after 20 years..

    Hi all! I posted this over in the r/over60 sub & someone there suggested I try it here too: Seeking some advice from the fitness folks in the group. I've just turned 65 and am finally sick of my "granddad bod." I'm not seriously overweight; in fact I've recently lost 10 lbs. via a combo of...
  4. A

    What should I change now?

    Warn ya, this is a bit long. Last fall, I got serious about working out on the regular. Just slowly working my way back up to a mile swim 2x/week (T/Th) and a mostly fullbody, bodyweight workout with some DB arm work 3x/week (MWF). I saw some nice gains, and over the winter met a former female...