advice needed ❓🙋

  1. J

    53 M - Question/Advice needed. - DOMS

    I've been actively lifting for 38 years now, so I am not new to this game and completely recognize the adjustments to Testosterone and recovery as I've gotten older but my muscle soreness is off the chart lately. Granted, I probably still train like I'm 20 but my split (single body part/day)...
  2. L

    Got A Dexa scan and was surprised by results

    49M 6’4” 316 lbs. starting weight 346 lowest weight 303 lbs So got a DEXA scan. Results surprised me. 22.8% BF with 241 lbs of lean muscle mass. BMR is 2740. Doc went over images with me and suggested I shoot for 275 lbs (I was originally thinking 250 lbs) as a goal and try to drop 30 lbs of...
  3. P

    Meal ideas

    I am going to be working in North Carolina for 7 days then back to Georgia for 7 days. I am trying to come up with some good food that can be cooked in a hotel room with only a microwave. My house is going to start being remodeled in March so I don’t want to have too much in the refrigerator...
  4. R

    Need advice with lifting during weight loss

    (deep breath) OK, this is a bit scary (like I've tried to convince myself to do this for a month scary) because while I post in weight loss subs I've never ventured into a fitness sub before but I need help from other people who have some knowledge on weight loss and weight lifting. I love...
  5. S

    51m never been active. With no activity during covid I’m needing guidance. Need to try and turn it around

    I’m not fit at all never been to the gym in my life. Not sure if that’s a good idea now as I would do myself an injury I need to start slow I’m feeling I’m getting to the point I don’t know if I can pull my health back. I shovel snow and always now pull a muscle. Go grocery shopping and...