calisthenics workout routine

  1. A

    Calisthenics Aesthetics

    We are trying to popularize calisthenics and show its beauty to the world! We offer free video guides for everyone from beginners to advanced athletes.
  2. R


    day 1: Upper Body Focused Calisthenics Work Warm Up: 5 Minutes of jump rope Initial Work: Regular Push Ups 4×25 Dips (Can Scale using Chair) 4×6 Pull Ups (Can Scale to Pikes) 4×10 chin up 4×5 pike push up 4×10 Fatigue Blowout: Complete 3 Rounds Super-Set Style ● Push Ups to Failure ● Dips to...
  3. %

    Beginner calisthenics workout recommendations

    Im 14 years old 5’9 and about 180 lbs (overweight), for the first time in a while im feeling motivated to workout and at least hit 150 I’ve been doing a random workout app but it feels weirdly easy and like it’s not doing anything, I have no equipment and I’m not too sure where to start. Does...
  4. A

    Workout routine newsletter

    I just wanted to quickly share a newsletter I am starting, first article comes out tomorrow It’s covering famous warriors (real and mythical) and what their workout routines and diets may have looked like with a sample of each. Appreciate anyone that checks it out! (Please remove is this isn’t...
  5. S

    Is this a good variation of the PPL

    Dinamic warmup Plank 45s Reverse plank 45s Hollow body hold 30s Arch body hold 30s Side plank 30s each side Elevated tuck L sit 10-30s (x3) Pike pushup 5-8 Pull up 5-8 (x3) Diamond pushup 8-12 Bycep pull up 5-8 (x3) Step up left 5-8 Step up right 5-8 (x3)
  6. P

    Critique my routine

    Hello, 5'6, 210lb , 18-20% BF I am looking for some advice on this routine I created. For background, I have been training for 5-6 years (mostly using weights) and have gotten quite strong and the powerlifting movements (455 S/335 B/520 DL). Moving forward I would really like to get better...
  7. C

    50lb vest 50reps

    What's up guys. I've been training with a weighted for CPAT and the fire department to mimic carry real FF gear. I've had it for a while and bumped it up to 50lbs doing basic calisthenics. I was told by a firefighter you will need strength, cardiovascular endurance, power, and muscular endurance...
  8. S

    is this method good or not?

    I am interested in point number 5,(the loop band one) since I can already do 3/4 bodyweight pull ups and I would like to reach 10 within a few months. He says to use a loop band and hit 10 reps in the first set, he says it doesn't matter how many reps you can get in the nexts sets, but he...
  9. B

    Is My Workout Program any Good?

    Hi guys, I created myself a weighted calisthenics routine specifically for my goals. I'd like to get feedback on it. My goals are mainly handstands and splits and just get stronger in general, but I do want to build a bit more size on me. Here is my workout routine: What do you guys think...
  10. J

    My Current Workout Routine (Welcoming all suggestions!!!)

    Hey everyone! Before I post what my routine is, I'd like to bring up my current H/W and goals and purposes as to why my workout routine is the way that it is. I'm currently 27 years old, 6'1" @ 215 lbs and am trying to gain muscle, have a solid core, learn calisthenics while maintaining/growing...
  11. B

    any suggestions for my current routine?

    Hey r/WorkoutRoutines! recently(about a month ago) I started getting into calisthenics and it has made a enormous and positive improvement on my strength and physique. I'm a 16 year old, 5,7 137 pound male and have been using a pretty basic regime. I started with 4x15 pushups, 2x15 decline...