
  1. C

    Very uplifting article I found about female strength training. Belief in yourself and your abilities is so important!! ^There's the article. I recommend reading the whole article, because it's awesome, but here are some specific bullet points I want to share with you all: Women build just as much muscle protein after training and after meals as...
  2. P

    Let's talk macros...

    So by this point we all know around here that calories are based on things like TDEE's and BMR's, age and height, activity level, etc. But everyone seems to have different splits! How did you come up with your splits? For example, I think MPF defaults to 35%C, 35%P, 30%F for weight loss. I...
  3. H

    How getting fit has changed your life

    Edit: THANK YOU xxfitness! This is exactly what I was hoping for, and more! I love reading about how important and foundational your fitness is and I will return to this again and again. Now: how long until I look hot? j/k. Thanks again. Y'all are amazing. *** I've been exercising consistently...
  4. J

    What was your “DAMN I’M GETTING STRONG” moment?

    They say everyone starts out with an empty bar, I couldn’t even bench the bar when I began lifting four months ago. Even when I started adding weight, I felt extremely silly putting collars on with micro plates. Now, I’m close to benching my body weight, I can do pull-ups like they’re out of...
  5. L

    [Comp Thread] IPF World Open Classic Championships Discussion

    International Powerlifting Federation Open Classic Championships June 6, 2022 - June 11, 2022 Sun City, South Africa Watch: Livestream Click on the weight class below in the schedule section to see replays for that class. Schedule: Updated Timetable Day 1: Monday, June 6, 2022 Women 47 kg...
  6. Y

    Here’s body fat percentage results for someone who has never worked out

    Hello everyone! F/24/5’8”/135lbs here. I’ve been interested in building muscle and wanted to find my BF% for a good starting ground. I found this place for pretty cheap and ran a whole analysis. Figured I’d post if it were interesting or if anyone wanted to provide analysis. I don’t eat...
  7. H

    What’s your optimal workout time(s) and what time do you actually do it?

    I’m curious to know what everyone’s optimal workout time is. For example, do you feel like you have the best workouts in the morning at 5am, or closer to 11am? Or do you feel pumped and good to go at 9pm? I’ve been experimenting with workout times and find at brunch time (10-11am) I feel the...
  8. B

    What’s a little trick that made a huge difference in your form?

    I have STRUGGLED with squats since I started lifting seriously about a year ago. I’m 120lbs and my PR is only 90lbs because I have some knee issues, poor ankle mobility, and tight hip flexors. Today my trainer told me to curl my toes under when doing barbell back squats. It was a little change...
  9. J

    Can you do a pull up if you can pull your bw in a lat pulldown?

    I’m (F/5’3/110lbs) currently training for a full pull-up 4-5 times a week. I can only pull 45lbs with the lat pulldown right now and can’t move myself a single inch on the pullup bar (not counting the shoulder shrug). My negatives also only last about 1/3 to 1/2 a second. I’m just wondering...