enhanced 💉

  1. J

    Has anyone tried G Glowsik supplements?

    I recently got delivered L carnitine L teratrate from Flipkart by G glowsik. https://www.flipkart.com/g-glowsik-l-carnitine-l-tartrate-weight-loss-pre-work-out-supplements-90-capsules/p/itm8f37fb897d8af Other companies were charging like 2500-3000 rupee for the same amount. I got this for...
  2. J

    Looking for a good Progesterone/Pregnenolone supplement in India

    I am on TRT and my DHEA-S levels are 375.10(units not mentioned) and Progesterone is 0.14ng/ml (range 0.5 to 40). I have heard that one should supplement with Pregnenolone for brain health. A lot of supps come as DHEA+Pregnenolone. Do you guys know any trustworthy Pregnenolone brand oral or...
  3. G

    A word of caution

    I’ve been getting a lot of DMs by people asking about my cycle and PEDs in general, surprisingly even from people who’ve never even stepped a foot into the gym up until this point, so let’s clear up a few things- 1)PEDs are not magic, everyone will respond different to PEDs, some are hyper...