form check

  1. W

    Roast my sport style technique please

    Looking for advice on my Long Cycle (sport style) technique. this is really only the fourth or fifth time I have tried it and I know I am still getting a lot of hard style bleeding in. This is after a hard full body work out of sandbags, ABCS, calisthenics, and mace work, and even then I feel...
  2. B

    Sumo DL Check - 110lb - 3 x 5

    my deadlifts: thanks everyone! hi! posted this as a comment on the daily questions thread and got amazing feedback! im greedy and want more hehe. 5'3" 18 years and around 90lb. lifting since september but mainly used dumbbells until 4 months ago. deadlifting for ~3 months. started GZCLP last...
  3. K

    330lb newbie form check please

    Hey gang. I’ve been on a weight loss and strength journey. This year I’ve lost around 60lb through diet and walking alone. Recently adding weight training and I’ve recently discovered this amazing sub. I’m using what I could borrow right now, a 10kg kettlebell. It’s not the same shape as the...