
  1. D

    Has anyone ever had chronic ankle pain due to ankle sprain?

    Hello everyone. I sprained my ankle 9 months ago, while coming down some steps. Sprain wasn’t bad as I was immediately able to walk on it and put weight. Did limp for first few days. Till 2 months after the injury, I didn’t see a doctor and continued doing some strengthening work at home. But...
  2. S

    Do you supplement L-Leucine?

    Hey there, with L-Leucine being one of the most important amino acids I wondered if some of you may supplement it? I gave a new protein powder a try and it had 10.3g of Leucine per 100g of product. As far as I'm aware that's the sweet spot and makes the powder higher in quality all around...
  3. Y

    Q&A with a plant-based foodie I recently interviewed

    Love how passionate he is about food! And the recipe videos featuring his grandma are the sweetest.
  4. J

    Recurring injuries getting in the way of my progress - aging, or something missing from my diet?

    Howdy! Vegan 8 years here. I'm a rock climber and weight lifter, and I absolutely love both, but I keep getting these injuries that feel unrelated to the intensity or frequency of my workouts. It's to the point where I'll wake up and some random tiny muscle in my hand or back is messed up, even...
  5. J

    Sickness keeps hampering progress

    Hi team! Looking for sympathy/advice/encouragement/anything… It seems that every time I’m getting into a good rhythm with my training, I come down with a cold. I’m not overtraining - I aim for two runs and two weight sessions a week and I throw in a yoga, Pilates, spin bike session or a swim...
  6. G

    Vitamins and supplements

    I [27, m] want to make sure I’m gaining maximum benefit from the vitamins/ supplements I’m taking. Daily, I take: VEG 1...
  7. K

    Improving the regularity of my bowels?

    Hello, I work out a lot and, to compensate, I also eat a lot - given the plant-based diet, this means that I have a huge volume of food going in to meet my calorie needs and, consequently, a huge volume coming out the other end. Unfortunately it seems to always fall into an irregular pattern...