help needed - new to vegan fitness

  1. R

    Easy ways to add protein to my diet?

    Hi y’all, I hope this kind of post is okay here. I’ve been vegan for almost 3 years and while I’ve never felt healthier, I am hoping to gain more strength. A weightlifter friend was pointing out that no matter how much I work on my strength exercises if I don’t get more protein in to my daily...
  2. F

    What is the best routine for no equipment?

    18, been vegan for 4 years. I do 6 days a week and do a 2 routine workout where I switch off everyday except Sunday. I’m 5’7 and weigh about 148 pounds and look muscular but also slim at the same time. I’m not as defined as I want to be and want more defined abs and a larger chest. I’ll list my...
  3. O

    M/28/6’2” 166lbs - help & advice

    I have just recently picked up the confidence to venture into a gym after suffering gym anxiety for a long time after having a bad experience in one. But slowly getting there My main goal is to bulk up as I am still skinny with quite a fast metabolism. I was wondering if my current work out...
  4. P

    I am a 5’3” 28 M weighing in at just under 7 stones/98pounds). How do I bulk up? Goal is approx: 100 pounds

    So yeah. I went to the doctors recently. They said that I (28 M | ~ 5’3” | England) am slightly underweight for my age at 7 stones / 98 pounds (just under 7 stones actually) but said that he can see I have always been this sort of weight and that isn’t really too concerning. However, I kinda...
  5. W

    Help Getting Sufficient Protein Intake?

    So I'd love to try plant based, but for the life of me don't know where to start in terms of getting enough daily P (180-200g). I've been bodybuilding for 14 years naturally and have predominantly followed a diet with fish being my main P source. I'm intolerant to Soya products, I suffer from...
  6. H

    Please help me with another try to eat 100% plant based!

    Hey there, i'm in dire need for low effort protein meals About me: currently doing rolling fasts so its a good opportunity to introduce new eating habits =) difficult history with food, anorexia, bulimia, binging (i need to avoid high glycemic foods) i don't do regular cooking, 10-15min max...
  7. D

    What to do when hungry on a caloric deficit?

    TL;DR - I’m M21, 195 lb currently, 5’11” and maybe 28% Body fat. Cronometer says to eat 2200 calories a day to maintain a 0.75 lb weight loss per week goal (light activity level of 3-4 days strength training and rest of week is 1-1.5 hrs walking a day). Not sure if I’m eating enough bc I’m...
  8. P

    Did deadlifting... Recovery suggestions

    Disclosure: So, I'm not totally vegan, but I only eat animal products in social settings (i.e. dates), and I don't spend money on them under normal circumstances, so I'm like, 99% vegan in practice. Basically, I did deadlifting for the first time in my life yesterday (2 sets of 8 brought me to...
  9. B

    I’m eating 2,300-2,400 calories and I still feel HUNGRY

    I’m new to veganism, it’s always been a goal of mine to go full plant based as I had been vegetarian for several years & im really glad I finally started this journey. I’ve been working out consistently for about a month and have been tracking macros to make sure I’m eating enough and lately I...
  10. F

    5’3”F could use some advice

    Hi everyone I could use some help. I am a 5’3” 46F. I weigh between 145-150 lbs. I’ve worked out fairly consistently over the past 6 years with 2 days of lifting, 1-2 days of spin class, & 1 day of HITT class. (In the summer I road bike). I want to lose fat. I have an incredibly hard time...
  11. K

    Calories for women

    I'm relatively new to working out/body building. I'm a 28 y/o, ~160 lbs, 5'9" F. I'm unsure about what calories I should be aiming for. When I decided to get more serious about optimizing my muscle growth and strength, my first step was to watch The Game Changers. The movie website said to...
  12. D

    100% vegan, 0% exercise

    Hey folks. My wife and I have been vegan for three years but our exercise/fitness regime has been shaky at best. We've done yoga in the past, I used to play squash a little and I was using a cycling machine for a while for physio, but that really is about it. I wonder if anyone here can...
  13. R

    Skinny vegan looking to be less skinny n gain muscle

    Hi, I’m 20, 6ft1 and weigh 9st1lb, (v light i know lol)been vegan for about a year n half n veggie a couple years before that. I’ve always been very skinny throughout my life and never seen the effects of weight gain from food put in my body. I’m looking to fill out a bit n lose the skinny...