how to start

  1. S

    22 ( f ) morbidly obese starting to work out advice

    I’ve been big my whole life, I was diagnosed with pcos around 15. Since then my weight has increased massively despite me not over eating. I will admit that not exercising for years has definitely contributed to my weight gain as well. I’m just starting to get into working out again, I bought...
  2. J

    18 F - Help designing workout routine

    Hi everyone! I (18f) am currently 138 pounds and am interested in toning up my body and losing body fat before heading to college this fall, and especially my beach trip that is in 6 weeks. I plan to exercise starting this Tuesday after my high school ap exam ends. I wanted to reach out to this...
  3. W


    how tf do i find a workout routine or even get an idea of what to do? currently i do 20-30 mins of cardio, sometimes i do it all at the beginning or spiky it up to half before & the rest after. i do leg press, hip abduction & hip adductor, planks & that’s pretty much it bc idk what to do. my...
  4. O

    What are some good workouts for a man who’s overweight?

    I’m in my mid 20’s, 5’11, 265 pounds and Ive started working out and going to the gym. I want to make good progress without pushing myself too hard to the point I get hurt or burn out, so far I’ve been mainly doing 1 mile on the treadmill at a jogging pace then I mix it up sometimes do my arms...
  5. T

    Beginner to start running and build up stamina

    I hv being cycling for few months n now want to start running in order to build up stamina n lose some weight too in the process. Recommend some tips ...also I started it 3 days ago..just want to run n stay healthy
  6. W

    Sister, 30yo, seated for 7 years, wants to get into K-Pop dance. Where to begin?

    Hi friends, My little sisters, who is almost 30 yo, has been working from her home, seated, for 7 years. She didn't workout in that time, and she's getting slowly into Yoga to feel better and start her journey. Where would one start to get her body ready for such activity? I am into...
  7. A

    Need help with a routine

    So I’m completely new to fitness. I’d really like to start working out and my new condo has a small machine called the Paramount FTX 6-Station Multi Gym. It has 6 stations (if you couldn’t guess by the name) Leg Press Pec Fly/Rear Delt Dip Pulldown Pulldown works on a cable pulley system...
  8. P

    Complete beginner, where to start?

    I have never really tried to put a focus on exercise before. I’m F 19, 5’4” and about 275 lbs. Before anyone starts yeah I know it’s late to be starting and yes I know I’m fat. Im so tired of being called that, I grew up the chubby kid and it’s always hurt. I want to begin losing weight but I...