
  1. E

    How to benchpress heavier?

    [M24] Hi! I've been working out for around 6 months na but I'm still benchpressing 60 lbs (4 sets, 12, 10, 8, 8). Once na magdagdag ako ng weight, di man lang umaabot ng 6 reps and my form is inconsistent na. My worry din kasi ako na baka magkainjury sa shoulder or mahulugan ng barbell sa...
  2. L

    Can you review my program?

    Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps 3 x Bench Press (Barbel) 3 x Incline Bench Press (Barbell) 3x Strict Military Press (Barbell) 3 x Triceps Pushdown (Cable - Straight Bar) 3 x Lateral Raise (Dumbbell) Legs and Core 3 Squat (Barbell) 3 Seated Leg Curl (Machine) 3x Leg Extension (Machine) 3 x Leg...
  3. M

    Critique My Home Routine

    I'm 5'6", 138lbs M I've been just doing home workouts since the pandemic started. The only equipments I have are dumbbells (my plates can only go up to 55lbs for a single DB, 35lbs if pair) and a ledge where I can do pull-ups. I've been plateauing for months now with not much I can do to change...
  4. M

    Need opinion/critique on my planned 4-day split

    For the past year I (25M) have been doing a 6-day PPL x Arnold split and the results have been great so far. However, since I am a graduating student planning to take the Bar exams this year, I will have to cut down on my workout time to make way for review, hence, I am now planning on doing a...
  5. R

    Anyone want to review and give some advices or changes in my split?

    DAY 1 (TUESDAY) : CHEST, TRICEPS, AND LEGS Chest exercises Incline Dumbell press: 4 sets x 8 reps Decline Cable Fly : 3 sets x 12 reps Peck Deck Flys : 4 sets x 8 reps Triceps exercises Rope Pushdown: 3 sets x 10 reps Skull Crushers: 3 sets x 12 reps Tricep Rope Overhead Extension: 3 sets...
  6. P

    Converting from a 5-day split to a 3-day split

    So I've been lifting for almost 9 months now and I've decided to recently incorporate Muay Thai into my routine after my lifts for some cardio. Thing is though, it's very time-consuming given my work schedule and everything. Plus, maaaan do I get extremely exhausted afterwards Because of this...
  7. P

    Correct Progressive Overload and Training til Failure

    So for context, I have a 3-day split: M - Chest/Tri/Shoulders W - Legs/Abs/Forearms F - Back / Biceps Average workout time of 2 hours, 4 sets each, and treadmill last (3.8 mph on 11 incline). I've been incorporating progressive overload and trained til failure ever since I started which was...
  8. S

    Losing fat but gaining weight

    Hello! I am an aspiring athlete (char) with a great discipline in working out, but this year, I finally found a diet for me. I am still worrysome and I still got to make adjustments but here are what I observed: I have been on caloric deficit since 2018. I had a month wherein I will solely eat...
  9. H

    The Road to 2/3/4/5

    It took me about 3 years to hit 1/2/3/4 plates for at least 5 reps for OHP/Bench/Squat/Deadlift. I'm pretty proud of my progress all things considered but at the same time a little dismayed considering I've read stories online on how a lot of people managed to hit that milestone more or less...