little wins

  1. K

    Making progress in weight loss!💪🏾 SW: 123.7 / CW: 119.8 / GW: 115

    For one, this is my second time posting in this group, but I am so excited and happy for this community! I feel heard and felt. I’m 4’11.5” (some say I’m 4’11, some 5’0 so we’ll go in between). I’m currently 119.8lbs. I started my workout journey at the end of November 2020. I am always on and...
  2. L

    Down to 124 lbs! :D

    That's it! Have been in the gym inconsistently since March, had to give up calorie counting because of a past eating disorder. The last few weeks I've been consistent with my cardio and lifting routine and halving most of my portions, trying to eat mindfully. Seems like it's working, and not far...
  3. R

    I fit a size 9!!!

    So all my life I've been a size 16, the past few months a size 12, and recently I wore my poor belt down from work and my usual work pants are totally falling off me (both size 16 and a little bit of the 12!!). Today while shopping I bought a size 9 jean out of a whim and I FIT THEM!! I tried...
  4. X

    Successful Maintenance Phase w/o Tracking

    This past year I've been on a steady weight loss jouney, starting at 5'0, 162lbs. I spent Jan and Feb working a lot on my diet, I'm a volume eater and was eating too much for my size. I spent six months practicing CICO, prioritizing protein, weightlifting, yoga, and engaging in anything else...
  5. M

    I LOST 7 lbs IN 2 WEEKS!!!

    Hey guys! I started my fitness journey two weeks ago and I am just so surprised at how well it’s going. I lost 7 pounds exactly already! I hope this motivates someone to keep going or get started on theirs. I haven’t been working out much this week because my work schedule is all over the...
  6. M

    I walked 154 miles on my walking pad in February! Here's what happened:

    I lost about 4-5lbs from the last week of January to now. (The range is due to some hormonal water retention.) From 136-132/131! I notice my clothes fitting much better, especially the waist and thighs of jeans/pants and bras. Goodbye, boobs! My stamina has increased! Back in December I was...
  7. D

    My fitness goal this year was to improve my core strength. Today, I did 20 sit-ups in a row!

    Before you all think wtf that’s nothing. All my life, I’ve never been able to do sit-ups. I would struggle to lift my chest up, and I’d be wriggling around using my hands to desperately clutch onto my legs to give me support while coming back up. Today, I did it without any hands!! 😭❤️ Not...
  8. S

    "Women are not small men" - ROAR by Stacy Sims

    I am not much of a reader, but this book has hands down changed my life (which is insane to say!) Since starting to follow her tips my weight loss has gone way up, and I have felt so much better than I have ever felt before during excercising, making it so much easier to give it my all. I...