
  1. N

    Had a few people request I post a full days eating so here's what I tracked yesterday. 5'8-9" 161.8 (yesterday's weigh in)

    630am320cal protein shake made with silk protein milk 50p 13c 8f 800am770cal falafel, fava beans tomatoes onions, 2 pita bread 38 p 115 c 14 f 1030am banana, strawberries, mango large panera iced coffee, black workout 12-130 GVT quads 130pm 230 cal slice of daves killer bread, 4 slices...
  2. R

    Things you eat everyday

    Hi everyone ! Just wondering: what are the specific foods you eat everyday b/c of their nutritional contents?
  3. D

    One gram of protein per pound? How?

    Hey all, I keep reading that one should get about one gram of protein per pound. I'm only about 140 pounds right now so that would mean eating 140 grams of proteins per day! But how is this possible? My tofu packs are 56g proteins here, so that would mean I'd need to eat like a whole protein...
  4. J

    What’s the vegan equivalent of the “chicken, broccoli, and rice” meal for the vegan crowd?

    I’m just at the point in my vegetarian journey where animal protein is getting really uncomfortable to eat and it’s been awesome seeing some of the gains y’all have made with totally vegan diets! I’d love to learn some more about your go to plant based meals that get you through intense...
  5. L

    Luckily I gained weight but I’m very bloated

    I used to be very skinny (too much partying) so I quit and I started to eat a lot more and exercise more. - I have gained mass muscle (I have more glutes and thighs than before) but my belly is sooo bloated! I look 6months pregnant! - can you give me some diet advice? - my meals are like...
  6. A

    Is there any disadvantage in getting protein just from whole foods?

    I used to drink protein powders (Huel specifically) way way before getting into working out. I did it mainly because it saves so much time, it especially saves me sleep in the morning. However, I’ve overdone it the past two weeks and I’m sick of it. I don’t want to see another protein shake in...
  7. N

    I fing hate protein shakes. How do I eat enough gains?

    It doesn't matter what brand or flavour it is, I just hate sweet thick drinks, I've never liked normal milkshakes either. I've tried to force myself to drink protein shakes over the years but they make me feel so nauseous, usually for several hours. Is it remotely possible to me to eat enough...
  8. G

    1150 cal oatmeal, 55+ g protein, nutrient packed!

    Hey y'all, just wanted to share my go to breakfast. I'm currently trying to bulk so I'm eating 3000+ cal a day with a minimum goal of 155g protein. I have a hard time getting enough food in at the beginning of the day so this is my solution to that lol 1 c Bob's red mill quick cooking steel cut...