
  1. C

    I love doing sports but I don’t like the gym

    I recently got into trying different sports the past months. As of now, I enjoy climbing & jiu jitsu and I go the climb gym 1-2x a week & bjj class 1x a week since June 2023. I don’t do any other strength training or if I do go to the gym, it’s very rare. I love doing sports but I feel like...
  2. K

    1st week gym

    Hey guys sup? Soo after many years of fears I finally stepped into a gym I've researched a lot on the subject and have found a starting point, I'd share my workout program below and I'd like to know what you guys think about it The first day it was kind of scary, but now I start feeling more...
  3. J

    Mistakes That Make You Hate Exercising and How to Avoid Them

    Hi everyone! I struggled to enjoy exercise for a long time. I’ve tested several widespread hacks to force myself into a routine - finding a workout buddy, rewarding myself with cheat meals, etc. Nothing worked. I then decided to find why exactly it was so unbearable (dramatic I know lol). I dug...
  4. B

    I did 5 pushups. I couldn’t be more proud of myself!

    Preface: Pre-covid I had been fairly average. About 170, 5’10. Though, I had a pretty strong lower body, my upper was never that good. My max was 12 (90% ROM) push-ups in gyms class. Skip two years later I’m 260 and pretty sad. I then decided in April of 2022 I would lose weight! Now, I am...