nutrition help

  1. J

    Thoughts/help with diet model about to use to cut

    KCAL: 2200 P:210 C: 185 F: 70 Breakfast: 4 eggs + 150g egg white and spinach omelette Meal 2: Salmon fillet + 250g rice + 100g broccoli Meal 3: 2 scoop shake + almond milk Meal 4: 40g oats + 200g 0% greek yogurt + 75g raspberries Meal 5: 275g chicken + 150g boiled potato + 100g carrots +...
  2. T

    Help me out

    I m a college student,80 kg 171 cm male In my college there is no nutritious food and i dont like it I also go to gym I do push pull leg workout and i just eant cuts and get ripped Am i eating right plz guide me Morning 7 :00 am run for 5km Then comeback and drink whey protein shake And then...
  3. C

    Weight Loss/Deficit Advice for Gym-Goer

    I'm an 18 y/o male who is 6'' 1' and has a BMI of ~31, the majority of my fat is in my stomach just chillin there, dad bod style. I've been consistently going to the gym for 5 months now, but recently started tracking calories. I've noticed that over 2 weeks of eating ~2500 calories with ~ 200g...
  4. J

    What’s your diet look like?

    I wanna know everyone who’s willing to share, what your diet is? What’s your goal with said diet? Be specific as possible! Thanks in advance.
  5. B

    How much protein should i be eating a day

    Ive seen people say its 0.8 grams of protein per pound that u weigh but ive also seen people say its 1 gram per pound, i weigh about 132 pounds rn and im eating about 140+ grams of protein a day is that ok if im trying to gain muscle fast?
  6. P

    Our bodies can’t utilize more than 30 grams of whey protein at a time? Is it true?

    I’m finally seeing gains after going to the gym for 5 months! A couple months ago I changed my protein powder routine after lifting weights, from 25 grams to 60 grams of whey. I drink half my drink right after the workout at the gym, and the other half an hour later at home. I heard recently...
  7. J

    Do you need to Gain Weight, Lose Weight, or Maintain Weight? Look Here First!

    The following post was originally contributed my /@e1ouise, who recently left the moderator team, and deleted the original post. This is a one-stop shop for all weight-related questions -- also known as cutting/bulking/recomp. Ideas, suggestions, guides, workouts, etc -- everything you'll need...
  8. W

    Best way to smash those calories in?

    So I’m 5’8” and like 98lbs last I checked. I’m fucking scrawny. I used to run in hs and was lightweight thick but after Covid and college I lost all that. I’m trying build my ass and legs back up but am struggling w eating enough calories to do so. I can be full all day and still not have a...
  9. I

    Grams a creatine needed per weight

    So I found online it was kilogram of weight x 0.3 and that’ll be your needed amount. Now I’m 120 (54.5 kilograms) and it came out to 16.35. Do I take 16 “grams” of creatine then. Or how would I calculate that since I am still converted to kilograms lmao?