petite girl problems

  1. P

    is there any other 5’2 to 5’4 women that feel best at 140lb to 150lbs or is it just me?

    I feel and look so sickly at any size under 140lbs and most people do no believe me when i tell them my weight
  2. I

    Meeting protein goals without dairy

    Hey y’all, I’m trying to hit a target of 130ish g of protein everyday which is hard enough as it is but I have a dairy intolerance which makes it feel even more impossible considering I’m aiming for only 1700 calories. Anyone else able to do it? If so literally HOW 😭 help your girl out
  3. S

    Feeling weaker

    F, 5’1-156cm, 65.5kg-143lbs. I was eating at 1500-1600 calorie a couple of days ago for 2 months and there were no changes in weight, or clothes at all, I figured that’s my maintenance and should eat lower so I started eating at 1300-1350 a day. While doing the elliptical for an hour 6 days a...
  4. H

    How has weight loss affected your bra size?

    I’m curious to know what changes in breast size some of y’all have seen since losing weight. I’ve also had large breasts despite a 5’1 frame. I started regularly attending spin class and strength training since the end of January, combined with CICO, cutting alcohol and getting 7-8 hours of...
  5. J

    Activity Level Advice

    I don’t know if this is considered “active” or “heavy activity” or even “lightly active” in the TDEE calculators… Mon - Fri every day = 30 min stationary bike 30-40 min walk/run (like 10-15 min mile here, let’s not go crazy) 20min yoga(m/w/f) / weightlifting (Tue/Th) Weekends are usually...
  6. A

    How many calories and protein should I eat a day as a 5’5 116 ibs female?

    I'm on a mission to achieve a leaner physique. Currently, I lift weights 4-5 times a week, but I'm struggling with the nutritional aspect of my journey. I’m "skinny fat", I'm unsure about whether I should focus on eating more or less, and whether I should aim to gain or lose weight. Could...
  7. S

    Eating more protein when you don't like protein

    I'm 5ft3.5, 170lbs (EDIT- sorry I meant 153! 170 was my SW) and starting a recomp journey/focussing more on weight training and eating at a slight deficit. I do not have a strong affinity for protein based foods. I do try to incorporate it into every meal, but it seems like I need additional...
  8. I

    5’0 F - Weight won’t budge

    Looking for advice: I’m 33 F 5’0 and current weight is 150 lbs. I’ve had very disordered eating for most of my life and had a lot of trauma that seemed to contribute to weight gain over the years (example: DV survivor, also when a loved one passed I gained 30 lbs in a month with no diet or...
  9. A

    Small, old and knackered

    I’ve been on the bigger side my whole life, but at 4’10.5 it’s super easy to put on weight (as we all know) I’m 40 and really trying to get back ‘on it’ but with a stressful job I’m just so tired. I’ve lost 21lbs in the last year but really would like to kick it up a notch. I like running and...
  10. O

    So frustrated

    5’2”, cw 66kgs gw 56kgs. I’m so frustrated right now with trying to find a solid plan to follow. For years I’ve been trying to stay around 1200 calories a day as I’d gone up to 60kgs but i just couldn’t shake the excess. Since lockdown started I went up another 6kgs and I’m just about at my wits...