petite mom

  1. M

    Diet advice

    So I've officially reached my "first goal weight" of 135! Yay! (25, Height 5'1, SW 156 GW 125?) By this time I was hoping my face would look a lot slimmer.. last year at this time I was also 135 and did not have a double chin! Between then and now I did have a baby and am breastfeeding but I...
  2. S

    I tried Factor, Fresh N’ Lean, BistroMD, Hungryroot, and Daily Harvest – here are my thoughts on them

    Over the last couple of years, I’ve tried a lot of meal delivery services in an effort to save time, eat healthier, and lose a few pounds. I decided to post this on the petite sub first because as someone on the short side (4’11”) I know it’s harder to lose weight and eat a filling meal that is...