progress pics

  1. C

    7 Months Recomp Progress + DEXA Scan Results (23.3% -> 18.8% BF)

    26F | 5'3 1/2" | 137 lbs DEXA Scan Result Before After Backstory: I got a DEXA scan done back in January 2021 to see how COVID lockdown had affected my body composition, and it was a wake up call because not only did I gained more fat I had lost muscle. I was very surprised actually...
  2. T

    My physique at various body fat %'s (32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs)

    Photos (4) DEXA scans + Physique: Detailed DEXA results from most recent scan @ 19.9% BF: Physique when sedentary: Intro 32 / 5'4" / 127 lbs. Skinny my entire life; fast metabolism. No sports background until adulthood (other than lifting weights, I play in a...
  3. R

    F/19/5’3 [112–>130lbs=+18lbs] 10 months of strength training and lifting!

    Progress pic (Nov 2020 to Sep 2021) History: Before COVID hit, I did ballet two times a week as my only form of exercises and was super sedentary otherwise. I quit once COVID began. Started gaining weight around July 2020 in ED recovery, but pic is from November of 2020 when I had gained a bit...
  4. B

    Blessed to be alive and strong

    /EDIT/ The support from you all has just floored me.....I wasn't expecting such encouraging responses from so many beautiful people. Thank you from the core of my heart. Thankful to be alive, and feeling more like a warrior woman every day. Immeasurable thanks to those who lifted me up when I...