quality content

  1. L

    The most comprehensive front lever tutorial

    The most comprehensive front lever tutorial. I remember my first post ever on this subreddit actually being a front lever tutorial that I made 9 years ago. After 9 years I've decided to revisit that ol' tutorial and come up with something that covers it all! A little background on who I am...
  2. T

    If you are tall or heavy don't lose hope - full planche at 202cm 102kg/6'7 225lbs and other feats by heavyweight calisthenics athletes

    Are you too tall or heavy to reach advanced calisthenics moves? The answer is not so obvious, I've found that some moves previously thought impossible past a certain height/weight have been achieved by giants, I'll share some examples. Based on some replies I got in the comments, I'll point...
  3. K

    Comparison between 4 popular beginner bodyweight workouts shared in this sub over the last decade

    Thought it would be interesting to look up the history of the RR with it changing now and compare the different versions. It appears as though the RR changed in 2017 with a slight change in the order of exercises and the removal of the skills section. I can't find out when the previous routine...