
  1. M

    Manipulating extracellular water retention

    As you likely know, during a peak week the name of the game is maximizing intracellular water retention and eliminating extracellular water retention. While I’m in no way shape or form looking to take to the stage soon (still at 12-15% bf), my question is, is there a way to manipulate this all...
  2. P

    What's your daily schedule look like?

    I have a 9-6pm deskjob which is surprisingly tiring. Mostly because of all the deep thinking that needed to be done. At 6pm I automatically get sleepy. And sometimes if I'm not on Overtime, I get to sleep at 7pm just to wake up at 9 or 10pm. And just to sleep again. I was not like this when I...
  3. K

    7.1 lbs of muscle in 8 weeks possible natty? (stanford university experiment, link included)

    Two identical twins took part in a Stanford University experiment. One was put on a vegan diet and another on a regular diet. I'm NOT interested in the diet aspect, just interested in the muscle building aspect, that is it possible to build 7.1 lbs of muscle natty in just 8 week...
  4. B

    If you had to pick ONE cable chest fly variation below, which would you pick and why?

    Low to high cable flyes High to low cable flyes Middle cable flyes
  5. B

    What is your favorite MAG grip for lat pulldown?

    Out of the MAG grip attachments below, which do you feel hits your lats the most? Close grip neutral Close grip pronate Close grip supinate Med grip neutral Med grip pronate Med grip supinate Three quarter grip Wide grip Website for picture reference: https:// tI...
  6. E

    Is this guy legit or is this just misinformation? Afraid I'm not training properly

    This guy popped up in my recommended, claiming a lot of stuff I've never heard of. He says that newbie gains are the only 'real muscle', as it is a result of myofibrillar hypertrophy, and that everything past that is 'fake muscle', which is a result of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. He also claims...
  7. S

    Protein Intake

    Protein Intake Study⤵️ What do you guys think about this?🔎 ~1.3 g/kg protein just as effective for muscle and strength gains as ~1.7 g/kg, new study finds A new study compared 64 trainees consuming either a higher-protein diet including meat (non-vegetarians) or a lower-protein lacto-ovo...
  8. B

    Need help deciding between t-bar row (v-grip), close grip barbell row, or smith machine close grip barbell row for lats

    Hi! I need help choosing between one of the three listed exercises above for lats. Ideally, I want my lower back to be less of a limiting factor since I do RDLs last on the same pull day. I chose close grip for targeting the lats and added the smith machine variant because I am wondering if that...
  9. L

    New "RIR 1-2 vs RIR 0" Study - Similar gains

    Study: Summary: Key Points: Pros: This study design is very solid at trying to reduce confounding factors as much as possible. Within person design: 1 leg trained to failure the other leg to 1-2 RIR The participants did as...