
  1. J

    Runners knee issues

    Quick backstory. 38 male, 5 years vegan now and been running fora out 4,5 years. Before going vegan I wasn’t the sporty type. About 3 years back I hurt my right knee due to bad running form and psychological issues during that time. Took three months until i got back on the road to run outside...
  2. D

    Recent training highlights

    40 yrs old natty. 5'8" 175 20-25% bodyfat. Plant-based. Not 100% vegan as my young kids will eat meat once in a while and I have to eat the leftovers they refuse to eat. Lookn forward to being 100% vegan when they're older. 315 x 15 sumo deads touch and go. Used wrist wraps. Pistols 40 lb...