weight loss ⬇️

  1. F

    Seeking Feedback on My 20:4 Intermittent Fasting Plan

    Hi everyone, I'm looking for some advice on my 20:4 intermittent fasting plan, and I'd appreciate any feedback you can offer. Here are the details: About Me: Age: 33 Gender: Male Weight: 78 kg Height: 5.4 ft Occupation: IT, Work From Home (Sedentary) Location: South India Goal: I aim to lose...
  2. B

    Needed Advice workout routine and diet

    I 29M, 165 cms, and 72 kgs. Goal to gain muscle and get fit (probably flat tummy!) My workout: I had hand injury (boxer’s fracture, my right hand pink finger bone got dislocated) this feb, surgery done, cast removed this march, doctor advised not to lift any weights for three months . However...
  3. H

    Need guidance for weight loss

    So hey everyone I (19M) , weight 84 kg , height 5''10" need some guidance from u guys form my weight loss . I know now u guys will go like try on your own and hit gym be consistent and all ..... Well I did try I did go to gym and also I was consistent..but the results were zero .. My diet - No...
  4. D

    If you want to lose weight, get clear aligners for your teeth

    I recently got myself a set of clear aligners for my teeth. It's been two weeks since and I realize that my food intake has never been this tight. On normal days pre-aligners, I used to snack at regular intervals (nothing bad though, fruits and nuts). But with the aligners on, it's not a thing...
  5. D

    Is this a decent diet plan for weight loss?

    I'm almost 24 in 20 days, I'm 97 kg and 167 cm height, pretty obese and having health issues. I decided to cut out fat and have started gym 5 times a week and a good diet but still see my weight is increasing daily. What to do? Diet: Breakfast (9:30 - 10:00 AM) 40g Oats + 10 almonds + 10...
  6. I

    Is pizza healthy ?

    Was doing a bit of reading and found Pizza Hut and Dominos nutrition information. Acc. to their website, For PH, one margherita pizza ( personal) has 725 calories P: 31.9g F: 21.2g (PUFA= 8.2g, MUFA= 5.3G, Saturated fat= 7.7g, Trans fats= 0.2g) C: 101.6g Macros: C: 65% F: 14 % P: 21 %...
  7. L

    Need recommendation for Nutritionist/dietician

    I've been working out for 4 months now and I've barely seen any change in weight. I feel like I workout and diet like crazy and lose 100-200 g Max in a week. I never did eat a lot and never was a fan of sweets. I've cut out 90% of junk food and only have some relatively healthy junk (bhel Puri)...
  8. P

    Need recommendation for protein powder

    Hi everyone, Could some of you suggest me some good protien powder. I am confused b/w avtaar and MB. Specifically if i should take isolate or concentrate. I am currently using My Protein's Chocolate hazelnut flavour (has 18gms of protein per scoop) ,but I have noticed if I use more than 1 scoop...