“Quick and the Dead” format, changing up the exercises

Morning y’all (or evening, whatever. Wherever you are.)

I’ve been doing Q&D for about a month now and it’s been nice to break up the monotony of doing just squat/C&P/snatch. I’m feeling like it’s time to change up exercises, but I love the time format.

I’m thinking of swapping push ups and swings out for weighted split squats and chins (5 reps instead of 10, but still) and doing 2x a week (with burpee conditioning being MWF). Volume shouldn’t be a problem, sets of 5 are relatively easy and it should only be the last few sets that are taxing.

Looking of input, thoughts, different exercise suggestions, etc.
@franciscovelasco I use the Q&D rep timing system for nearly every workout. I respond really well to the 90 second sets 20-30 on, 1min off)

I apply it to Dan Johns prefect workout. I do it with armor building. I sometimes do a 3 exercise version of swings, pushups, chin-up’s.

I’ve found it super versatile. So mix and match.