1 Minute Workout


New member
Hey all I found this amazing app so thought I’d share it with you.
You know how sometimes you just don’t have enough time to make it to the gym? Between my work, wife and children I can’t always afford to head off to the gym, and then it’s those days that I’m full of excuses 😜
Well this 1 Minute Workout Android app throws any excuse out the window.
It has a bunch of different workouts like cardio, toning, Pilates and new mom workouts, so whatever time I have available whether it’s 3min or 20min I just pick and choose what exercises to do.
Anyway long story short, I really like this app and bought you may too, go check it out. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.goodbarber.minuteworkout&hl=en

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