10k swings done!


New member
After taking a break because my hands got all torn up from girevoy endurance training I decided to try the 10K challenge.
I started it a week late in January but putting in work on a weekend caught me up and I got it done! Figured I’d share since y’all know what it’s about.
Here’s the break down

16 KG/ 35 LBS

5 rounds

5 pushups
15 swings
5 pushups
25 swings
5 pushups
50 swings
5 pushups

Total per session
500 swings+ 100 pushups
Total per month month
10 k swings and 2k pushups
@cristina49 Biggest take away is form. During round 3 I started to feel it. Round 4 I was getting tired so keeping your form will save your back and hit the areas the workout is supposed to hit rather than straining other parts of the body.
@lbeebe48 I think Dan John recommends 2 day on, 1 day off. So if you start week 1, you will be swinging Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday. Next week Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday etc.
@newlightseven Nice to see. I am doing Pat Flynn's 300 swings challenge and then want to do 10 K after. I verified I can do 50 swings straight with 53 lbs but in his "revisited" post he has a version where you don't have to do any specific rep scheme.