10k swings in 10 days - what’s next?


New member
Inspired by a few other people (@jim_68 and @iamasinkingship) on this sub, I decided to do 10k swings in 10 days. Mostly just to see if I could. Finishing up tomorrow and looking for something else to try next.

Pattern has been 20kg for the first 6 days, 24kg for the rest. 50mins of EMOM.

First thing that surprised me is how quickly you adapt - I’ve gone from a 3 minute break at 40 mins, to upping the reps from 20 to 23 per minute, to upping the weight. Today I’ve done 1100 with the 24kg

Honestly, I feel great too. I’ve lost 5lb and in 9 days. My shoulders and back feel stronger, and it’s a really fun test of perseverance too.

What next?

I’m not sure where to go from here. I really enjoy 500ing of EMOM because of the way the workout flows.

Genuinely very tempted to just run it through again with 1 arm swings starting at 16kg, hopefully moving up to 20kg before I get to the end of the next 10 days.

The other option is another exercise keeping to the EMOM. I’m considering doing this with 3 reps alternating between rack squats and C&P with double 16s. 50 mins the gives you 75 of each exercise

In general, I’d strongly giving the 10k in 10 days a shot if you can commit the time to it. Im nowhere near the shape that others here are and after the 2 days I found it to be a really fun workout
@kail Ok, when you put it like that it’s actually quite a lot of work I’ve got through.

Hard to look past seeing people doing biathlons and C&P with double 28s though! Gives me something to aim for either way
@jim_68 Yes, but also I made a mistake. Using a filthy imperial standard of 2000 pounds. So 6000 x 44 lbs + 4000 x 53 lbs = 476000 lbs = 238 tons.

But anyway the point is that OP is killing it, not that I'm bad at math.
@iamasinkingship Thanks man!

Funnily enough, I heard Pat Flynn’s podcast on the snatch challenge and it sounded like even Dan was trying to talk himself out of it when he was discussing all the parameters at times. It sounds horrific
@robbie0376 I just finished 10k in 5 weeks...wow, friend. I started to get some tendon issues in my wrists. Maybe I'll blast 10k in 20 continuous days first. Maybe that'll be my Thanksgiving to Xmas challenge.
@keelyjessica I'd suggest rolling your elbow with a hard ball or roller and stretching your triceps and biceps.. i had some finger tendon issues and this helped greatly..
@keelyjessica I felt it in my elbow for the first couple of sets the day that I moved up to 24kg, but it’s gone away since so maybe I got a bit lucky with it

Other than that I’ve had no soreness at all and have tonnes of energy too. I took my daughter climbing at the weekend, which I thought would turn my hands/forearms into a mess but I felt great
@robbie0376 Bodies adapt in really cool ways. I found that despite sore wrists and outside fingers, once I got going I could do the swings.

You also probably have tighter form than me! I find I struggled to keep my shoulders packed and fully squeeze my glutes. Working on that!
@keelyjessica It’s such a difficult balance getting the volume in if you’re doing timed sets while keeping your form in check. I have to constantly remind myself otherwise I just get sloppy and my back blows up
@robbie0376 Yeah I'm trying to be disciplined about volume. For my current program my goal is two more reps each session. Growth is slow, maybe even barely happening, but at 36 my goal is longevity. I just wanna be fit enough to do cool stuff with my kids when they are teenagers.
@keelyjessica Funnily enough, we have pretty similar goals

I’m 35 and my children are 8 and 3. It’s really important to me that my kids are able to do stuff like climb, run, cycle, and any other outdoors activities with me and not with just with me watching by the sidelines. Hopefully it sets them up for an active lifestyle for life
@robbie0376 This is incredible! Great work!

Might I suggest getting to 1000 continuous swings as a worthy goal? With either the 20 or 24. Will give your conditioning another gear and give your perseverance a solid test.. it'd be about 24mins non stop.

That would set you up very well from an endurance perspective..

The rerun with single arm swings also sounds like a great plan - it would definitely give your forearms a lot of endurance & strength.

My plan is to do long swings as a one day a week thing, once my travel break is done.. with either DFW remix, or giant remix during the week.

Kinda like aks does a marathon weekend day..
@jim_68 That’s not a bad idea actually, after today I’ll probably add a few reps per set until I’m comfortably doing much longer sets with the 20 (although probably not EMOM at this point). 30 reps gets me finished in 33 sets which is decent to aim for as a starting point to going longer

Weighing up splitting between days of 1000 1 arm swings with a 16 and what you suggest and then some ‘Death by Armor Building Complex’ too.

Thanks for the reply!