13 year old's workout routine (need advice)


New member
so here's my full 6 day workout routine I've been doing for around 8 months with minor changes every single set is to failure if anyone could critique my split and maybe recommend some better exercises or things to swap out that would be great!


Monday and Friday (chest bicep tricep)

bench press 5 sets (strength training cause I'm tryna hit 1 plate before my birthday)

hammer curls 3 sets

straight bar tricep pushdown 3 sets (with dropsets)

chest press 3 sets (with dropsets) (used to do pec deck, switched recently)

preacher curls 3 sets

rope tricep pushdown 3 sets (with dropsets)

left arm dumbell curl 2 sets (I got a muscle imbalance)


Tuesday and Saturday (legs and abs)

calf raises 3 sets

squats 3 sets

hamstring curls 3 sets (with dropsets)

ab crunch machine 2 sets

hip adductor 3 sets

leg extension 3 sets


Wednesday and Sunday (back and forearms)

machine shoulder press 3 sets (with dropsets)

pec deck rear delt fly 3 sets (with dropsets)

v grip cable row 3 sets (with dropsets)

behind body barbell wrist curl 3 sets

lat raises 3 sets

v grip lat pulldown 3 sets (with dropsets)

assisted pullups 3 sets (I can rep like 6 normal i use barely any assistance) this is also kind of a burnout set

btw I'm 5'7 120 pounds currently in the first week of bulking (3k Cal 100 grams of protein)

I'm on a bulk cause I heard not eating enough when you train hard 6 days a week could stunt your growth also gaining weight is cool

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