16:00 EMOM At Home Full Body Dumbbell Workout


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All you need is a pair of dumbbells and 16:00. For this workout, you will perform 1 set with the prescribed number of repetitions of each exercise every minute on the minute. Your rest time is the time remaining within the 1:00 after finishing the repetitions. Choose a weight that you can finish the repetitions within :30-:35 seconds each time.

You will complete all the sets and reps of each exercise before moving on to the next exercise.

Here are the exercises and sets:

EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) 16:00

4 sets of 15 Dumbbell Squats

4 sets of 8 Alt Dumbbell Shoulder Press with Overhead Hold

4 sets of 8 Alternating Dumbbell Gorilla Rows

4 sets of 60-80 Alternating Weighted Flutter Kicks

For example, Minutes 0:00-4:00 you will do every minute on the minute of the sets of Dumbbell squats. Then 4:00-8:00 you will do your sets of dumbbell shoulder press and so on.

You can see the full workout demo video of how to do this workout and each exercise properly here: 16:00 EMOM At Home Full Body Workout Video