1x12kg Jerk; 20mins; 130 reps


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1x12 Jerks

For the Sat endurance session I thought I'd try and see how long I could do 1x12 jerk with multi-switch.

Ended up with 66l + 64r. Was switching every 5 reps for the first 7 minutes, and then had to slow down to 3 reps per side for the next 14 minutes.

Total 130 jerks at 6.5 RPM -- I feel pretty good about it, given this is my first time trying something like this. Left hand rack position, and left shoulder/triceps on jerk are the bottleneck. The shoulder & arm are SORE :)

Finished with ~100 swing curls with 1x12.


From a GS programming pov while I had read a lot about it a couple of months ago, it felt confusing and strange. Now that I've actually done a few intervals, sprints, etc., I can understand the programming concepts at least.

The simplest one to start with seems to be from our very own @acoustics4me -- https://docs.google.com/document/d/...cf3SQH3mtXv__ZvmEOoPJ7TT_AZNOcMC792HOTQGK/pub

@hunter101 is doing this since a week

And I'm going to start on that from Monday as well, let's see how it goes! Will do a review, once done.
@jim_68 Hell yeah! That's a lot of time spent with the bell pushing down on you.

Good luck with the program! My grip was definitely challenged pushing 8 RPM for 1'30. 2' on/off tonight may be a challenge - we'll see how much my technique has improved in the meanwhile.
@jim_68 Omg I’m SO excited you’re starting a program 😁😁😁 Jerks look great and that was a long time - good work!!

For another cue, you can try to relax on the drop more! You have to have faith your elbow will hit your hip where you want it to, but if you can relax completely, your tricep doesn’t have to work on the way down. You can also go up on your toes as you bring your elbow down to shorten the distance it has to go. It’s just another way to conserve energy. It really comes with practice though, and doing a lot of reps the way you are already will get you there 😊
@rkm Yay! Glad the jerks get your approval! 😅

Will keep trying to relax more.

Relaxing with 2x12 overhead holds for 30s - 2m until I'm trembling helped me relax my shoulders in the overhead position.. will keep doing those and extending where possible..

I also saw this video by Solomon Roskin on ig where he shows how to get the bell much higher just with the swing, without using the arms to pull it up.. seemed like a cool way to conserve energy for clean and snatch..
@jim_68 Good work man! I like seeing your contributions. I'm a beginner with ketlebells also and it's good to see peeps with similar achievements to my level. A lot of beasts in this sub lifting weights I can't possibly imagine being able to do. Keep up the work! 🤜