20 Minute Bodyweight Circuit


New member
I try my best to stick to heavy kettlebells (44, 53, 55 and 70 pounders) for my strength & conditioning. But sometimes time is short. Also, I've read that body weight exercise can be easier on the nervous system and give your body a needed break, while still working out. I found this short but hot routine that I have started doing on the regular now. Wanted to share. I don't share much, just watch - lol. Oh, I am 55. Still box, do Muay Thai and Jits. Love getting at it in my garage gym...
  • Minute 1: Side Kick Throughs x 10 reps
  • Minute 2: Loaded Beast Sprawl x 10 reps
  • Minute 3: Side Kick Throughs x 11 reps
  • Minute 4: Loaded Beast Sprawl x 11 reps
  • Minute 5: Side Kick Throughs x 12 reps
  • Minute 6: Loaded Beast Sprawl x 12 reps
  • Minute 7: Side Kick Throughs x 13 reps
  • Minute 8: Loaded Beast Sprawl x 13 reps
  • Minute 9: Side Kick Throughs x 14 reps
  • Minute 10: Loaded Beast Sprawl x 14 reps
Warm Up, Work Out & Cool Down Here
@alwayssad81 I was instructed to move through strength workouts, notably exercise machines, quickly when I was young, to keep my heart rate up.

This doesn't seem to be common practice in gyms today.
@bfg33 Supersetting will keep your heart rate up. I usually start a workout with a heavy compound lift, then superset complimentary weightlifting and conditioning exercises and I can attest to being drenched with sweat at the end.

I had to look both of these exercises up makoadog, but they look fun. I'll add them to the next workout. My back might not take Loaded Beast Sprawls (I can't really do burpees either), but Side Kick Throughs look fun. And they remind me of a Turkish Get Up, which is another fun movement.