20 y old -4 years of training


New member
Hello everyone ! I started lifting when i was 16 y old, did a lot of mistakes and i will try to help some of you guys to avoid those mistakes. First year i was eating fastfood, never trained legs, shoulders..

In these photos - 83-84 kgs , after a mini-cut.

Right now i have 93 kg on empty stomach -

legs / calves - 68 cm / 41 cm

arms - 43 cm pumped

Currently i am not tracking my macros always because i am used to my "diet", but my bulking macros are : 200 p / 60-100 f / 400-700 carbs - depending on low carb day / high carb day.

I want to bulk a few months (maybe a mini cut again in december) and get 96-97 kgs, then i wanna try competing.

I am waiting any questions! Have a nice day!
@daitengu You going to college? Just bulk the rest of your college days and then compete.

Let me tell you as a 38 yr old. College only occurs once in your life. Have some reasonable fun while studying instead of the boring bodybuilding lifestyle.
@cherish616 As a 28 year old who partied way more than he exercised, I disagree with this about 60%. Get gains while you have time and biology on your side.
@jacobw not saying to 'go party'. just saying to continue on your path of just getting bigger while testosterone is in prime levels while having fun at gym. it's only 2 more years or so and school can be stressful when trying to finally complete matriculation.

do whatever you want
@cherish616 Yes, i am studying engineering, 100 km from my city. I am staying there only 3-4 days per week and almost all my friends are in my city, so im not really looking into having fun at college. For me, bodybuilding is not number 1 on my priority so it's not that boring. I like training and i am doing it from passion, also wanna open a gym with my family in 2-3 years!
@wtlf hello ! pretty basic -


chest calves - back traps - quads hams calves - shoulders traps - arms

sometimes with shoulders and traps some exercices for chest (if i am fully recovered from monday) and saturday sometimes back/legs.. depending on how i feel.
@msmith7823 hello! i started tracking my workouts - always tried to lift heavier.

also i am focusing more on Leg Extensions and Leg Press. squats would be like my 3rd or 4th exercise with full range of motion.

leg ext - 2 series x 20 rep - 3 hard series with 6-8 reps + 2-4 forced reps

leg press - 1 x 20 rep - 3 hard series same as leg ext

squats - 4 x 10-14 reps - 100-120 kgs full range of motion

lunges 2 x 20 reps and one exercise for hamstrings (machine or stiff leg deadlift)

i am not changing my routine often - only adjustmens are at the movement. sometimes i like to work heavier on negative, sometimes i like to do dropsets, things like this.

for shoulders - maybe train them one more time on saturday if you have time, 40 mins and you re done. if not - apply the same tehnique, focus more on the movements and track your weights!
@daitengu Thanks! So you’ve always done a 5-day split (sort of like a bro split)? Never tried full-body 3 day a week or upper/lower? I guess any program will work if you use progressive overload and consistently train for 4 years.
@msmith7823 Yes, a brosplit adjusted for me - tried to focus more on calves. Right now, my honest opinion is that these routines are not even important. If you wanna get stronger and look better simply focus on training harder - track your workouts on your phone, 01.01.2019 - dumbell incline chest press - 40 kgs x 8 reps - 08.01 - did 40 x 10 reps, time to move on 42,5 x 6 reps - 15.01 - 42,5 7-8 reps - 22.01 got 10 reps with 42,5 , next week maybe 45.

6-8 weeks then, IMPORTANT, 1 week lighter - 30 kgs x 12 (example) so your body and your mind can recover.

A caloric surplus - not a big one, you wanna get heavier slowly.

If you think i can help you more, you can tell me about your diet.