(20m)Advice on workout plans to follow in order to build muscle? Any feedback on the program I found?


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(20M)Advice on workout plans? And feedback on the program I tried following?

Ive been lifting for about 4 months, however I’ve stopped going to the gym for the last half of November and until today, since I plan going to the gym later this evening. However, I felt as though I need a regime in order to make gains. I’ve definitely gotten stronger in the months I started going to the gym, however I didn’t notice much muscle and etc maybe because I didn’t diet properly or eat enough. But my main issue would be my doubt about workouts. I normally went Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and the occasional Monday/Saturday if I had schoolwork done etc.

I would usually split up my workout to 3 days, chest/back, arms and shoulders, and on the third just both combined, I hella neglected leg day since I felt fine just doing squats, I’m sorry. Anyways I’m wondering if this program I found online is enough to gain muscle?

Tier 1: 10-15 reps 1-3 sets bar= 20kg
- [x] Squat 2x (10kgs) (50 and 100lbs) (2x15+20kgs) (40 kgs) (25lbsx2)(35x2) (40x2 4 last reps) (2x40) (2x50)
- [x] Bench (2x25) (2x10) (2x10) (2x15)
- [x] Deadlift (2x15) (40 kg) (2x45) (2x50)
- [ ] Overhead press ( 10ths plus 20 kg) ( 2x15)
- [ ] Leg press:

Tier 2:65-85 max weight, 20-30 total reps, 5-8 reps per set
- [ ] Squat: Front squat, Pause, Squats, and single leg work (25 each leg) (40 one leg) (25 each)
- [ ] Bench: Close grip, Long pause or slingshot bench, OHP or incline bench (10x2) (20 lbs each) (25)
- [ ] Deadlift: Deficit, paused, and front squat (10x2)

Tier 3: 65%> 30 reps or more total (3x10, 2x15, 4x8, 3x12) up to you 8-15 reps at a time
Upper body
- [ ] Pecs: Flyes, incline press, dumbbell spoon press
- [ ] Shoulders: Lateral raises, single arm overhead DB press, rear delt flyes
- [ ] Triceps: Cable tricep push downs, over head extension, dips or skullcrushers
- [x] Biceps: EZ bar curl, DB hammer curl, incline DB curl, machine preacher curl, and cable rope curl
- [ ] Back: Body weight pull ups, v grip lat pull-down (85lbs) rope lat pull down, wide grip lay pull down, v grip cable row, chest supported row, and hyper extensions
- [ ] Abs:planks, ab wheels, and paloff press, hanging knee raises, leg raises
Lower body
- [ ] Quads: Leg extension (seated and laying), sissy squats, and box step ups.
- [ ] Hamstrings: Leg curls (all types), GHR, lunges, and RDL.
- [ ] Glutes/Hips general: Lunges, abduction/adduction machine, hip thrust,and kick back machine.
- [ ] Calves: I don’t do calves but I heard from Arnold donkey calve raises are good.

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