3-Day Full Body Workout Split for Muscle Growth and Gaining Strength


New member
Hey guys,

I started working out after a quite long pause in October and I consider myself an amateur with some knowledge. My current goal is to gain strength and increase muscle volume. After doing some research I stumbled upon full body workout to be more effective for beginners, so I have been trying to keep to this routine I created with help of a book. My current workout routine consists of a three day (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday) full body workout with the following exercises:

Day A
  • Clean Deadlift (5x5)
  • Bench Press (5x5)
  • Squats (5x5)
  • Hammer Curls (3x10)
  • Triceps Pushdown with rope (3x10)
  • Pull-ups (4x8)
Day B
  • Clean Deadlift (5x5)
  • Bench Press (5x5)
  • Squats (5x5)
  • Stand-Up Biceps E-Z Curls (3x10)
  • Triceps Dips (4x8)
  • Lat Pulldown (4x10)
Week X is ABA and Week Y is BAB.

Currently I am trying to "up my game" a little bit. I think I will stick to a full body split for at least a year (until October) and maybe change to PPL or Upper/Lower split.

What are your thoughts on this routine? What are your suggestions for improvement?

P.S. Please, be nice!
@myraan short, concise and filled with compound lifts. I would suggest having a shoulder exercise on both days- like side lateral for day A and something for rear delts for DAY B.

Just a fellow lifter's opinion. May not work for you but I am gonna try that.

@cowboy88 Hey, thanks for your advise. I actually do add a shoulder and core exercise to each workout which I did not mention in my initial post. So i.e. my Day A also has:
  • Core: Decline Bench Situps/Crunches
  • Shoulders: Lateral shoulder raises
And my Day B adds:
  • Core: Hanging leg raises
  • Shoulders: Shoulder Press
It really helped me with gaining more body tension in general which reduced the number of my injuries or discomfort when executing the compound exercises.

I wish you the best for your gains!
@myraan I run a Full Body split x3 a week since I do 12 hour shifts at my job. Your routine is solid but I personally think you need more volume/exercises in order to compensate for going x3 a week.

Take a look at my routine, it takes around 2.5-3 hours but if that is too long than there’s a way to tweak it which I’ll list at the end.

The full routine:
* Hack Squat: 5 sets x 8 reps
* Barbell Bench: 5 sets x 8 reps
* Incline Chest Machine: 3 sets x 10 reps
* Prone Hamstring Curls: 3 sets x 10 reps
* Seated Leg Extensions: 3 sets x 10 reps
* Lat Pulldown superset w Cable Rows: 5 sets x 10 reps
* Overhead Press Machine: 4 sets x 10 reps
* Lateral Raises: 3 sets x 10 reps
* Tricep Extensions: 3 sets x 10 reps
* Bicep Curls: 3 sets x 10 reps
* Weighted Abdominal Crunches: 5 sets x 10 reps

As time goes on, I will attempt to add 2.5lbs-5lbs to every working set when I can properly execute the exercise. If I do encounter resistance, then I keep the same weight until the plateau is broken.

The 🔑 is lifting very LIGHT to compensate for the volume as well as to prevent compromising proper form. (The last set should feel like an RPE6 - 7)

Bench press example:
* 1st set warm up: Bar x 8 reps
* 2nd set: 95lbs x 8 reps
* 3rd set: 135lbs x 8 reps
* 4th set: 155lbs x 8 reps
* 5th set: 185lbs x 8 reps
* 6th set 205lbs x 8 reps @ RPE6.5

For a shortened version you can either superset, take 1-2 sets out or simply not do these exercises:
* Incline Chest Machine
* Lateral Raises
* Tricep Extensions
* Bicep Curls

Good luck and lmk how you progress
@matt87 Hey, first of all thank you very much for you effort writing this down and giving such awesome advice. Really appreciated!

I normally try to start with 60% of my maximum weight and would say my last set is a solid RPE6-7.

About the example for bench pressing my current weights are:
  • 1st set: 60kg (132lbs) x 10 reps
  • 2nd set: 70kg (154lbs) x 5 reps
  • 3rd set: 80kg (176lbs) x 5 reps
  • 4th set: 90kg (198lbs) x 5 reps
  • 5th set: 80kg (176lbs) x 5 reps
My current workout routine takes 60-90mins and additionally implements one shoulder and one core/abdominal exercise which I did not mention in my initial post. I try to hit each muscle group three times the week. But back to your advice: I will try to integrate your recommended volume/exercises and may look into supersets, which I have never really done before. Is there anything I have to keep in mind here?

I will keep you updated with my progress. Currently I am adapting to a new "diet" to gain some weight in a healthy way. Hopefully I will reach new heights by the end of spring. Wish me luck!