3 Days Weight Training + 2 Days Cardio


New member
Hello everyone, I would like to get your opinion on my planned workout routine. I'm not new to weightlifting/fitness as I used to go to the gym for about 1-2 years in past but neglected my diet. I saw results but barely due to not having a well-balanced diet. As of this year I started eating cleaner, usually greens and chicken breast as protein. Current workout this January was 5 days weightlifting (I work out at home/also still working from home). I have no problems whatsoever with my previous workout routine. But I find that its very time consuming on my end as I also have other things to take care of specially work.

This February, I purchased a stationary bike that was supposed to be my source of cardio/aerobic exercise. Currently switched to it for 5 days a week 20 mins per day (I'm still new so my stamina isn't doesn't good) and ditched the weightlifting. I find that by doing this workout, I tend to lose more weight. I was previously having a hard time getting below 80KG. When I started with my fitness goal this January, I started at 85KG and dropped to about 80KG (Maximum I could get with weight training alone). I've read that this is nothing to worry about since with weight training, the fat will just become a muscle which usually results to weight not going down significantly. But I'm still hoping to achieve my current weight goal of 75KG.

With my current routine of 5 days a week 20 min cycling, I managed to get around 79KG for the first time since 2018. That being said, I would like to go back to weight training as I still want to grow muscles. Is it a good idea to do 3 days split weight training (M/W/F for P/P/L) and 2 days Cardio (TH/S) for weight loss while gaining muscles? Or is that something that cannot be done due to cardio hindering the growth of muscles by burning fat instead? Hoping to get your thoughts, insights and recommendations. Thank you in advance.

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