4 Day PPLA Split


New member
Hey all. I’m looking to get back in shape as I spent large portion of last year unable to exercise due to a hernia. I had surgery around 3 months ago now and feel like I’m ready to get back into the swing of things so thought I’d seek out some advice to construct my routine.

Goal is to put on some muscle, hopefully lose a few kgs in the process too. Nothing too serious, largely just want to feel healthy and be in good shape.

Been in and out of the gym for a few years now so not a complete beginner but wouldn’t consider myself an expert either. I’m thinking of experimenting with a push-pull-legs-arms 4 day split. Also keen on trying to get some cardio in. Either on my off days or perhaps before/after a weightlifting session.

Am hoping to restrict number of exercises per session to 4-5 due to scheduling / time constraints. Ideally don’t want to be spending much longer than an hour in the gym each session.

So to finally get to my question. If I had to pick the 4 or 5 most essential exercises for each type of workout, what would you all suggest? Bear in mind that I’m a little hesitant to commit to some more hectic compound exercises (at least for now) while I continue to recover from my hernia surgery.

So far I’ve constructed this:

Push: (Monday)
Bench press
Overhead press
Chest press
Chest flys

Pull: (Tuesday)
Pull ups (assisted?)
Bent over row
Cable pulldown
Cable face pull
Deadlift?? (Maybe when more recovered)

Rest day (Wednesday)

Legs: (Thursday)
Leg Press
Leg extension

Arms: (Friday)
Bicep Curls
Triceps extension (overhead?)
Hammer Curls
Cable push-downs
Tricep dips??

Rest Days (Weekend)

Please feel free to let me know if I should swap out anything for something better. All feedback is welcome. Thanks in advance.