4 day split (1 being cardio)


New member

I have 4 days that I can manage hitting the gym. Would love to incorporate one day of cardio. Please help me fine tune my suggested schedule :).

Suggested workout schedule:

1. Full body

2. Rest

3. Upper body

4. Lower body

5. Rest

6. Cardio/HIIT & Core

7. Rest

Do you see any disadvantages with suggested routine?

Details on setup (may switch some exercises):

Full body:

Pull up

Barbell Squat

Barbell row

Romanian deadlift

Bench press

Shoulder press


Ab wheel

Upper body:

Incline Bench press

Lat pull

Pec dec

V grip cable row

Inverted Pec Dec

Shoulder flyes

Bicep curl & Hammer curl (SS)

Triceps overhead extension & Triceps pull down (SS)

Lower body:

Leg press

Hack squat

Bulgarian split squat

Seated leg extension

Seated leg curl

Calf presses

Cardio/HIIT & Core:

This will be varied but aiming for HIIT to get more full body. Might throw in some core exercises after or pre that HIIT workout. Such as lower back, abdominals etc.
@johnson29 I don’t like it but if you want to use this split then spread it out more so you have more time to recover from the first first full body workout structure it like 1. Full body 2. Rest 3.Rest 4.lower body 5.Upper body 6.cardio 7.rest. Don’t let me catch you making this mistake again