6 ways to fight hunger when you’re dieting


New member
If you're currently skinny fat and you want to get a leaner and more muscular body, you'll need to adjust your diet at some level. For some of you, that will mean you'll have to fight against hunger.

Here are some of the best ways to do that...
  • Go for a high protein diet
    • Aim to consume 0.7-1g of protein per lb of bodyweight
    • Protein helps you feel fuller for longer
    • Include protein in every meal to consistently manage hunger throughout the day
  • Volume eating
    • Increase your veggie intake
      • Veggies are high in fibre, which is filling
      • They're also low in calories
      • You can load up on veggies, they have lots of volume which helps you feel full
  • No liquid calories
    • Liquid calories can quickly add up without reducing your hunger.
    • Eat your food instead of drinking it. It’s a lot more filling.
    • For example, don’t have a glass of apple juice, eat an apple instead.
  • Drink before meals
    • Drinking a glass of water or some other low calorie drink before your meal will fill up your stomach.
    • This makes you feel fuller, which means you'll eat less.
  • Incorporate caffeine
    • Caffeine can help reduce hunger. In fact most ‘fat burning’ supplements just act as an appetite suppressant by using caffeine.
    • If you do consume caffeine, I'd recommend doing it earlier in the day so it doesn’t affect your sleep.
  • Reduce/eliminate super tasty foods
    • Foods that are hard to stop eating should be avoided. (you might be able to think of a few foods already that fit this description)
    • If you avoid them completely and you never introduce yourself to these foods you don’t have to worry about the risk of overeating.
    • Eating less flavorful, "boring" foods can make it easier to control portions and reduce overeating

If you wanna get more help like this and stay consistent with making progress, you should join our community for skinny fat South Asian men. There’s currently 50 friendly and dedicated brothers that will help support you. South Asian fitness culture consists of eating 2 cups of rice and doing a few jumping jacks, but we have the chance to create a new culture here.

If you fit the profile and you’re serious about making a change in your life, send me a message! (You don’t have to pay anything btw)
@misunderstood4 Very nicely put 👍

A couple of things, I will add. In recomp or cut
  1. Going to 1.5gm from 1gm per pound if body weight has shown more protein sparing and fat losing effects, even if calories are equated. I have put the reference in another post. Ref[sup]1[/sup]
  2. Drinking soda water can help you feel full. This trick was taught to me by my coach.
  3. In recomp/cut if you start to accumulate fatigue then cut the volume via number of sets and try not to decrease strength. Got this from Jeff Nippard.
  4. Eating salad with your meals, fresh carrots, cucumber etc. Fruits too.
  5. You can use plenty of psychological and physiological tricks. Smaller plate size, putting bad foods at hard to get places, intermittent fasting, Full day fasting. You can also do carb cycling to run training days at very slight surplus and other days at slightly bigger deficits.

[sup]1[/sup]Ref: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5852756/

At a deficit: "To promote lean body mass retention during weight loss, protein intakes of ~2.3–3.1 g/kg/day have been advocated."

3.1g/kg is almost 1.4gm/lb