6 years on on and off ... it s*cks ... App for workout ?


New member
Hello workouters,

I’ve been on and off working out for 6 years straight, went from 59 to 67kg as skinny fat for 1m74.

Going in everyday then off for months ... There is a motivation problem.

I only see my legs and arm getting bigger the rest is kind of non changing with a layer of fat.

No abs, no pecs.

Yesterday, I rang the bell and I said « no more ». I want this beach body once in my life.

I’ve been doing 10 minutes HIIT every other day for a month. => big win for me.

I’ve read many guides, and downloaded dozens of app ... I want to narrow down to one.

First Question : Can I get the dream body with 30 ish minutes workout 3 to 6 times a week ?

Do you have any recommandations for :

- working out on roadtrip app ? (so basically home workout)

- an incentivized to workout app ? (gamified or at least with tracking and notification ?)

- All-in-one app. I don’t want to have ten apps

- YET simple to use, the its frictionless ?

- I don’t mind paying, it will always be cheaper than gym.

Asana rebel and freeleetics looks interesting. Any advice ?

Thank you all !


EDIT : Choice is made :

- I’ll track my calories with Myfitnesspal and adjust ;

- I’ll try Fitbod my roadtrip until end of september ;

- My most fit IRL friend recommended me the 9€ course from Eric Flag in French, I bought it and will do this as MAIN program for 30 days ;

- After the roadtrip, my month of Feed + Huel/Jimmy Joy meal replacements will be ended (I have the equivalent of 80 meals ordered), I will look into meal prep and fix what ever is not right in my actual meals.

- After the roadtrip, i’ll probably do mylo + RR and/or FitBod

- I’ll be back in few months with some nice pics I hope !

TTYL and thank you all. I AM PUMPED
@cruzhjo69 You need discipline, not motivation. Any programme you stick to will yield results.

Yes, you can active great results with 30 minute workouts, but diet will be the main factor in your progress.
@cruzhjo69 Have you looked at the programmes on here? The recommended routine is a good place to start. You could probably split it in to more workouts lasting less time.

There are great programmes by Dominic Sky, FitnessFAQs, most of the big YouTubers have programmes.

I don't use apps, don't want my phone near me when I work out.

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