A+A Snatch Protocol/program recommendations


New member
Hi all. I am now moving into the second half of the 12 week Q&D program. I really love it. I previously planed to do the ROP program after that one but I decided that I firstly want to improve my snatches. I loved doing them when I was training 8 years ago in my prime. Now I want to beat my prime and finally reaching the snatch test.

Does any of you know a good A+A Snatch Protocol or program I can follow for a few weeks before switching to ROP. It could be a link or a book recommendation. Or something else that could give me give guidance.

8 years ago I loved doing something similar to 10 reps every 2 minutes for 20 minutes with 20kg. Now I am able to snatch 24kg for some reps. I thought maybe something like 5 reps OTM would be nice. What do you think?

Thanks in advance
@hariel Great work on working through Q&D! Highly recommend finishing that out as there are tons of benefits to that particular style of training. Don’t be afraid to go right back to it with a larger bell after 6-12 weeks of A&A work.

If you want to move into A&A work for your next block you could autoregulate the training each day or follow a fixed plan.

If you autoregulate, this structure is a pretty good bet.

-2-6 sessions per week

-Total Reps for the Day: 60-200

-Perform 5 reps // 40-56s Rest


-Perform 10 reps // 75-115s Rest

If you wanted to follow a plan, the three conditioning plans on our website are based on A&A work (and you could do snatches or swings).

Rachel does 1H swings with 40kg for her A&A training so we’re confident those plans will improve your output!

As far as ROP, I’m pretty sure you could run that at the same time on alternating days. I believe it’s only cleans and presses so it would mix perfectly fine.
@hariel There might be different recommendations out there but the StrongEndurance manual mentions up to 7. You can get up to a pretty high frequency, especially if you are fluctuating the daily reps and using different skills.

If you went 6 you could do swing/snatch/clean and then repeat.

Tons of options to make things interesting!