A+A vs vO2 snatch programs


New member
Hi all. I’ve just finished a cycle of RoP and I’m keen to run a snatch program. I am confused over which program is the best to run. What are the benefits of an A+A program (e.g. Q&D) versus a vO2 max program like Viking Warrior?

My goals are general strength and fitness and I would like to build up to pass the SFG snatch test in the next 12 months.
@fletch22 Hard to give advice without knowing specific numbers. Lightest bell you’ve hit 100 with in under 5? How hard is a 24KG snatch for you? Max press? How’s your cardio for a shorter event like a 5 minute max out?

Essentially what’s limiting you? Your overhead strength, your ability to swing The bell hard enough to get it overhead? Your lungs?

The answer affects how you should train but personally to build up my snatch I really liked Viking warrior conditioning with a 16KG. After doing both 15:15 & 36:36 I found the 100/5 quite doable!
@fletch22 We usually have our students who are prepping for SFG/RKC run A+A programs with 1H swings using the bell one or two sizes up from their snatch bell.

This pushes your snatch bell farther down into submaximal territory meaning it requires less effort to use it.

Then when you do the snatch test it will feel very light and may not even be a particularly taxing effort.