A Modest Proposal: An /rVeganfitness Wiki/FAQ?


New member
There is such a wealth of knowledge in this community, so many great results, so many myths busted! And I'm just wondering what this community would think about assembling some sort of permanent resource like a Wiki/nutrition FAQ/diet plans/training plans/etc. to get people started and answer frequent questions. Maybe there are some top posts/nutrition deep dives that have been popular over the years that deserve being pinned or archived for easy reference. Maybe we could even assemble like a recipe book.

It would just be great to somehow keep a permanent repository of all of our accumulated experience here.

But if something like this already exists would you kindly point me towards it?
@zainsaleem89 Love the spirit and I'm happy to help, not really sure where to start though...what were you thinking OP? Are there a lot of common questions on this sub? Does anyone feel like they give the same advice repeatedly?

Edit: there is a wiki page on the sub already that seems to cover a lot.