A Regular Guy versus The CrossFit Games Workouts


New member
So this is a bit late since the Games have already happened and this is really just the stage one portion of the workouts but nonetheless I took a stab at the seven stage one Games workouts and did my best to try it in the same format as the actual athletes did. I did events 1-4 on Saturday, event 5 on Sunday and finished event 6 and 7 on Monday. It wasn’t a perfect mirror of the actual competition but it was certainly plenty for me, and just made me seriously impressed at how all the athletes tore apart some of these workouts.

My biggest curiosity was how a regular CrossFit attendee would fare against this test since most of the workouts seemed relatively approachable, albeit some very challenging. I’ll put my scores and videos down below but I’m really curious to see if anyone else took a swing at any of these workouts? It seemed like Friendly Fran captured a lot of people’s attention but I wonder about any of the others?

I was able to do all the workouts as prescribed except for Damn Diane where I had to modify the deficit strict HSPU to just strict HSPU since I’m terrible at strict anything. And as you can see I had a pretty difficult time with the handstand hold since the darn 4x4 box was my enemy. Regardless, I thought it was a fun set of workouts to try!

My results:

Friendly Fran - 6:35 [RX]

Front Squat - 345#

Damn Diane - 10:52 [Not RX]

1K Row - 3:09 [RX]

Nasty Nancy - 23:28 [RX]

Handstand Hold - 19.3 seconds [RX]

Awful Annie - 18:18 [RX]

Here are links to all of my attempts at each workout:

Friendly Fran -

Front Squat -

Damn Diane -

1K Row -

Nasty Nancy -

Handstand Hold - https://youtu.be/4fp4iqlSA5A

Awful Annie - https://youtu.be/qseEpUdgsnY
@josie9782 True but calling yourself 'regular' is a bit misleading.

I get it, stay humble. But also know your audience and most peolle are gonna roll their eyes when they see 'regular' gym goer and your scores haha
@josie9782 I think it's important to delineate the difference between your average 'local-national competitor that can Rx everything but maybe isn't winning everything they enter' crossfitter on the novice - elite competitor spectrum, versus your average 'box hero' on the general gym goer spectrum.

So it's the difference between 'regular competitor' and 'regular guy'. Having a background in competitive powerlifting and having a box that ranges from proper gen pop all the way up to guys trying to make it to sanctionals I personally can see where you're coming from, but if you've only got gen pop folks and maybe one or two box heroes at your gym, it comes across a bit humble brag-y, though I'm pretty sure that's not your intention.

Regardless, it's sick to see your comparison to the games athletes, well done mate.
@casie That’s a good point, I can definitely see where it becomes a bid misleading to say “regular guy” when you’re talking a gen-pop type scenario.
@josie9782 lol being able to Rx most of the workouts from Stage 1 I think makes you pretty above average imo

But also did you do the workouts in the same time windows? I think the accumulated fatigue is also something that has to be considered.
@sonas Well I appreciate that, although it was a struggle for sure. I did the first day in pretty much the same time window on one day, but then events 5-7 I had to do over the next two days so I definitely had more recovery time than they would have for events 6 and 7. Definitely would have played a role in going slower or struggling more on the HS, even though that was terrible already haha
@josie9782 Me, an actual regular guy at crossfit (can do HSPU like a boss, struggle with pistols, frontsquat 95KG, snatch 65KG, got DU's, can do 1 MU since recently, fuck yeah) reading this post:

Im sad. i thought i was a regular and average fit guy, turns out im still a noob at crossfit and need to work harder. got it
@henrysamuel The way I see it, being a decent in a CrossFit gym is being a beast in a normal gym. It all depends on who we’re comparing ourselves to. But in all honesty, you’re doing better than me!