A word of caution


New member
I’ve been getting a lot of DMs by people asking about my cycle and PEDs in general, surprisingly even from people who’ve never even stepped a foot into the gym up until this point, so let’s clear up a few things-

1)PEDs are not magic, everyone will respond different to PEDs, some are hyper responders, some don’t respond well at all, not to brag or anything but I’m a hyper responder, my blood work proves it, not everyone is gonna see similar results as I’ve seen on my cycle

2)The best time to do PEDs is never, the second best time is at 25, your pre frontal lobe does not fully develop until you’re 25, also usually people who do PEDs tend to lose IQ points over time

3)Most people lack the patience to do proper research, they lack the guidance, they lack the resources and they lack the finances

4) a lot of people who take PEDs look Dyel and absolutely nowhere near what you’d expect a PED user to look like due to the above reasons and also because they don’t have their training and diet on point

5)You’ll have multiple side effects like high E2, fucked up lipids, high BP, fucked up haematocrit levels which as mentioned above if you’ve not done proper research then you’d not know how to manage these side effects

6)Fake steroids are very common in the market and if you don’t have a reliable source you won’t even know what you’re putting in your body until it’s too late and you’ve departed from the earthly abode

7)money, you need money for food, you need money for regular blood tests(every 4weeks), you need money for supplements, you need money for drugs to counter the side effects, etc etc, you get the picture, god forbid someday you face an emergency and have to be rushed to the hospital and if you don’t have funds on hand then it’ll cause a lot of problems, I’ll be very frank with everyone here, I come from a financially well off family and I could take out 50k from the bank today without my parents feeling anything is off

What I’ve mentioned above is just the tip of the iceberg and there is a lot more that I can elaborate upon but this post is kinda rushed

I’m worried I may have set a wrong example upon the community and it is to be noted that I’m in no way promoting steroids to anyone and I’m vehemently against their usage, the only reason I’ve been honest about my use is because I believe honesty is the best policy and I don’t want to sell anyone pipe dreams

Each one of you can achieve a very good physique if you just master your diet and training, majority of the gym goers compromise on their diet and then get dejected when they see minimum to no results

Be patient, stick to a suitable diet and train hard
@dan222 I’d appreciate if the mods could pin this post for a day atleast, I believe this post is something which must reach as many people as possible
@guitarrandy Good points about PED, unfortunately a lot of people would still be exploited without realising the risks attached with it.

I still would be concerned, but you seem like a guy who know what he is getting into. So good job keeping things documented for later. And atleast unlike the filmstars you're being honest about this.

Much appreciated my guy,
@guitarrandy I am impressed, especially the fact that you know male brain grows till 25. Till 21-22 there is a small chance of height growth, which one can miss out on using gear at that age

I, for one, can attest to all of what you said. I got all the side effects. Fake gear probably and mediocre response to gear. What I am seeing is, people who put on muscle easily as a natty generally have a good response to gear. If you check out "Chase irons" on youtube, he's been putting on around 6 pounds of muscle a year.

I started gear at 30 and have decent financial savings as an independent earning man. Interestingly enough, my ultimate goal is not bodybuilding. I am more of an endurance guy.
@jenfer I’m not worried about my height much since I’m already 6’2

Funnily enough I was initially planning on following chase irons guide on B&C where he explains how you can blast for as long as it takes by slowly titrating up your doses every week and stopping when your markers seem off, unfortunately I abused the shit out of var and had to come off early cause my lipid panel gave me a scare lol
@guitarrandy 250 to 500mg test can be titerated to see E2 response. For later cycles just start with highest does, the esters will automatically titerate serum levels.
@guitarrandy Quality post.
Mods, requesting you to please pin this post for at least a month and set the automoderator bot to auto reply link of this post wherever and wherever any beginner asks about steroids usage.
@guitarrandy Nice post OP. But I can’t help but notice the irony in Point:2 considering you’re only 19. Gave me a good chuckle.

And can you elaborate more on how “each one can achieve a good physique if they just master diet and training”. If that were the case, then PEDs would be redundant. Someone on PEDs with mediocre genetics and training will always have more gains than a natty with good genetics and the same kind of diet and training.

Again this is not a jibe on your intentions OP. I’m just pointing out you may be undermining the undeniable muscle building effects of PEDs in your post a bit.
@nobodyuknow Point 2 might sound ironic but it’s the truth haha, I wouldn’t wanna sugarcoat something as non-risky or good simply cause I’m doing it myself

I know a lot of PED users who lie about their status simply because they look Dyel and worse then some of the top tier natties, you’d be surprised to know that a lot of people who claim natty with mid physiques are actually on roids

No offence taken, I’m not undermining the strength of PEDs since I’m taking them myself

Also another thing to note would be my natty test levels were 900ng/dl at 18yrs old, those are signs of peak genetic levels
@guitarrandy There is not much fake steroids. If we are being honest. We should not be doing fear mongering. India is the home of cheap pharma. Unless you are buying from shady sources. Everything in India is available via legit Pharmacy. They don't even ask for prescription. My local Pharmacy guy even said tell me what you need and I will get it ordered from city whole sale distributor.
@suamaytinh5s Fake PEDs are very common atleast in India and relatively not as common abroad, anyone who’s ever bought peptides like GH, igf or roids like anavar and primo will know how much fake steroids are peddled around

Also Indian Pharma is heavily underdosed, a lot of these so called pharma are actually just trash UGLs
@guitarrandy Hey OP thankyou for the insightful post. I had a few questions , Can u share any info regarding any of these
  • Since steroids and ped are kinda banned( hard to source ) in India, then where do they come from.
    Are they manufactured by Indian Pharma companies or imported from dubai or other places.
-In UK steroids are made in home labs with chemicals sourced from China by using fake companies documents. Is that the case in India?
@sherri1263 Most of the roids are produced in India and china afaik. Other countries usually import powder form from China.

Most known brand ugl labs use the same factory as pharma companies.

A lot of steroids are legal, Testosterone, Growth hormone, Nandrolone, Oxandrolone(recently banned in 2023 in usa), insulin and Trenbolone(veterinary usage). Primobolan is legal in spain and Turkey. One of my old female relatives was given 50mg Nandrolone by a doctor in India. IIRC Anadrol is legally prescribed for anemea. So there's a lot pharma level stuff out there

The problem usually is expensive compounds like Primo is faked a lot by ugl and importing Bayer from Turkey pharmacy is n not viable and can be faked as well.

All the names I have mentioned are public legal domain. I am not mentioning ugl brands or illegal things.
@guitarrandy All valid points but OP missed out on the major side effects that will actually keep people away
  • Probable speeding up of male pattern hair loss
  • Probable increase in facial aging, dependent on the dose
  • Possible development of gynecomastia
People (often) do steroids for aesthetics so it's important to remind them that even with those amazing results, in ten years, steroids by 30 could leave you looking 45, balding with possible gyno. That'll put the fear of steroids in any person.

It's also important for us to share great natural physiques so that people know that you can look amazing naturally too.

I understand OP's impulse to share his progress and commend his transparency but this was bound to happen when you share the results without possible downsides. But does that mean we should doom all enhanced folks to putting a disclaimer in every post? I don't know. The line between steroid transparency and promotion is a thin one and the ethical and moral ramifications are ones we need to think about together as a community.
@benajmk I didn’t mention gyno and hairloss since they are the easiest side effects to manage and are not life threatening, the other side effects which I mentioned are life threatening and not too many people are aware of them
@guitarrandy How long are you planning to continue on PEDs? Aren't you afraid of increase in your heart size and shrinkage of testicles? I also heard many people get gyno. While trying to solve the gyno issue they end up with low libido and sperm count. In one of the fitness subs I also read that there is a tolerance level to SARMS, beyond that one gets all the side effects who have responded well till now.
@susanlakecityfl 1)most likely it’s gonna be a lifelong commitment, at least TRT will be lifelong

2)you only risk increasing heart size on growth hormone secretagogues

3) Testicles won’t shrink since I’m on HCG

4)Gyno is prolly the easiest side effect to manage, people usually get low libido if they crash their E2 while trying to solve Gyno

5)SARMS are absolutely trash and would not reccomend them to anyone, people who use SARMS are usually the ones who’re afraid of needles and honestly if you’re afraid of needles then PEDs are not for you