About to turn 30, haven’t worked out in 7 years


New member
Hey everybody,

I know this is for 30+, but with 30 being right around the corner for me - I wanna get some insight on my situation.

I used to work out consistently. 5’10/165lbs - now 145-150 at best. Always have eaten rather healthy with consistent water intake, don’t drink, and don’t drink sodas, juice, or eat much sugar. I got lucky that I wasn’t having to fight that battle through family. So nutrition isn’t my issue so much as my physical limitations as of an injury that I received after hernia surgery. Squatting and felt a loud pop in my back. No pain but ever since then I have back issues that I refuse to get surgery for just due to horror stories of peoples back never being the same again. I also never really had health insurance so I couldn’t afford to get mri’s, do physical therapy, etc.

I quit working out after and became a serial sitter. Video games mainly and now I have issues while sleeping where my neck muscles and core muscles are much weaker so my sleeping “posture” sucks too.

If one were to get back into working out, what are some low impact exercises that can push me without straining my back (thoracic region is where pain exists). I need exercises focused more on calisthenics that are low impact and also help target a somewhat neuromuscular reset.

Any advice?

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