Advice for Beginners from a Personal Trainer with 10 Years of Experience

Embarking on a journey towards a healthier body can feel daunting, especially for beginners. With ten years of experience in personal training, I've seen countless individuals take their first steps towards fitness success. Here are some thoughts and tips to help you get off to a great start:

Weight Loss:

Eat Less, Move More: Weight loss is about creating a calorie deficit. This can be achieved by consuming fewer calories, burning more through exercise, or a combination of both. Focus on nutrient-dense foods and aim for a balanced macronutrient ratio.

Tips for Staying in a Caloric Deficit: Avoid consuming calories close to bedtime and limit calorie intake from drinks like alcohol and sugary beverages.


Daily Movement:

Start by incorporating daily movement into your routine. This could be as simple as walking, swimming, or participating in group fitness classes.

Strength Training: Incorporate weight lifting into your routine, even if it's just using your body weight. Focus on fundamental movement patterns such as squatting (Goblet Squat), hinging (KB Good morning) (Kettlebell Swing), pushing (Push Ups), pulling (Chin Up), and carrying or Turkish Get Ups.

Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the intensity, reps, sets, exercises, density, and frequency of your workouts to ensure continuous progress. All good program will incorporate at least one of these variables. I will write more about this soon.


Structured Cardio: Aim for 2-3 sessions per week of sustained activity at 70% of your maximum heart rate for 20-60 minutes.

Interval Training: Incorporate 1-2 sessions per week of high-intensity interval training, alternating between periods of maximum effort and rest. You can use the cardio machine of your choice or try Burpees if you don't want to use equipment.

Play a Sport or Learn a Skill:

Engage in activities you enjoy, whether it's playing a sport or practicing a physical skill. This not only adds enjoyment to your fitness routine but also improves balance, coordination, and overall movement quality.

Other Training Areas:

Balance, Mobility, Stability: Don't neglect these critical components of fitness. Incorporate exercises such as; The Bottoms Up Press, The Hip Airplane, and The Bear Crawl to improve balance, enhance mobility, and increase stability to maintain quality of life as you age.


Prioritize Sleep: Aim for 8 hours of sleep per night, as it has a significant impact on overall well-being.

Hydration: Drink enough water throughout the day to support your body's functions.

Stress Management: Find activities such as meditation or journaling to manage stress effectively.

Limit Alcohol Consumption: Minimize alcohol intake, as it can interfere with your fitness goals and overall health.

Staying consistent is paramount in any fitness regimen. Persistence is key; with dedication, you will reach your goals. Everyone faces setbacks, but always remember: you can restart whenever needed. Even if you stumble seven times, make it a point to rise eight.
@pierac1 Idk, I lost 30 pounds and changed my shape by doing a combination of most of these for a year, it may sound generic but losing weight and getting in shape isn’t rocket science. A lot of people don’t even seem to know the basics that should be common sense so it can be helpful for them