Advice for chest progression as I feel like I am on a plateu


New member
hi all

I (23M) have been consistently working out for the past 17 months. I focused on bench press and incline db press as my 2 chest movements along with flies as finisher and I have consistently done 3 sets of 10-12 reps of each excercise all these months

8 months into lifting my bench press progression basically stagnated at 50 kgs, at the same time my left shoulder started giving me trouble. I fixed form as best as i could, did all the shoulder warmups and mobility excercises but still the pain came when I start to bench heavy and I was not progressing at all.

So I started focusing on dumbell presses, and incline db press became my main excercise. It showed good progress for much time going from 17 kg dbs to 25 kg dbs in 5 months. My chest also grew.

Now even this is on stagnant for the past 3 months, I have not been able to progress on incline db and every chest session I get the same 3 sets 10,9,8 reps pretty much. When I lover the weight to 20kg dbs I can get 12-15 reps for 3 sets easily.

Also, occassionally I do the flat bench to check my strength and the left shoulder pain returns and I am doubtful If I can use bench press to build my chest more.

should i try progressing in another chest excercise.

I am currently 76 kg, bulking diet eating around 2700 cals with around 130 g protein. I train with intensity and train chest once every 3 days, following a 4 day split.

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