Advice for doing YoE on top of regular programming in one session


New member
So each session my gym does a strength/conditioning block (oly/barbell lift/strongman/sleds) and then your usual crossfit wod. I would like to add Year of the Engine on top of that after class. This is really the only time I have to complete it so I'm looking for advice on how to not die. What have people done to be able to get through a full crossfit session and then do Year of the Engine after? Should I eat some quick carbs between the crossfit class and doing the Year of the Engine workout? I'm assuming it will get easier over time but I know it will be a struggle for the first few weeks.
@sheppy I did this until I got a rower at home. It wasn’t that bad, except for the anaerobic days, which were a little rough after class. My way of dealing with it was after every anaerobic day (which I did after a class), I would go to Chick Fil A.

It didn’t help with the training, but it helped me have something to look forward to. The other days weren’t bad at all
@sheppy I did this and it got pretty tough in the middle of month 2 - I did mine before class and tried to time it out so I would have 10-15 minutes of recovery time where I could drink some gatorade/powerade or eat some gummy bears. At a certain point you just won't have the energy capacity to do both back to back
@sheppy I did the wod 4x a week and then YoE workout afterward for about 8 months back to back and then it just got to be too much. Dialed down the crossfit to once a week, YoE is 5 times a week, and powerlifting 5 times a week. This way works okay for me for now (but then I'm middle-aged and tired). I'm putting in my full year of YoE and then am done and back to more crossfit.

As far as nutrition, sometimes I do some quick Honey Stinger miniwaffles or other "runner" type nutrition between workouts, especially after a grind-y wod or if I had a certain type of YoE workout that would be really taxing, like a time trial or some brutal intervals. I use creatine and LMNT in my water bottle for the wod/YoE.

Honestly, it was easier the first few months (beginner gains) and then it got to be a struggle. Good luck.
@carmhen77 Just FYI: those guys made a 3-day version of YoE and a bunch of other 3-day progressions. I'm on their 3-day interval thing now and it's SOOOO much easier. I did the full year in 2019 but this is much easier to fit in.
@vtkong1 I'm on their Need For Speed program, which is 3x/week high intensity intervals. It's only 3 days a week, but they're all high intensity days.

They also did a 3x week YoE and there's a 3x/week aerobic only version.
@mbahchidinma Ah kk. I got 2 years of their old program and want to do a start over. I dont got time to do it 5 days and just thinking about, how i should handle it. I think i just row the days as written.