Advice for my workout schedule


New member
Hello all I’m back in the gym after tending to an elbow injury. I have unmedicated ADHD and it is really easy for me to get out of my routine, so I prefer to workout everyday, 7 days a week. I ended up hurting my elbow doing this tho and had to take a few months off. So now I am back trying out a 6-day schedule with 1-hour workouts and working out a different body part each day . Can anyone give me some tips or advice for my schedule?

Ps. I workout first thing in the morning while fasted w/out caffeine.

Also: I know my leg-day and deadlifts are weak, I had ACL/MCL reconstructive surgery when I was 15 so It’ll be a slow build-up there. I’ve never been big on squats or deadlifts due to the underlying fear of re-injury, but I definitely want to start incorporating more compound lifts into my workouts this time around.


Monday -off
  • Tuesday- Legs
Calf’s-110lbs x25x3….210lbsx25x1

Leg extensions-90LBS x 12 x 1…110LBS x 12 x 1…130LBS x 12 x 1….150LBSx12x1

Leg Press- 210LBS x 10 x 3

Stationary Bike - 2 MILES


Dumbbell lateral raise - 22.5LBSx9x3…. 15LBSx12x1
Dumbbell front raise - 15LBSx12x3
Dumbell Overhead press- 37.5LBSx8x3

Machine shoulder press- 98lbsx8x3

Upright row - 50LBSx12x3
  • Thursday- BACK
Deadlifts- 45’sLBSx8x1. 45sLBS+25sLBSx8x1
  • Lat Pull Down – 45lbsx10x2…80LBSx8x2
  • Seated V-Grip Cable Row – 100LBSX12x3
  • Shoulder shrugs-50lbs dumbbells x20x1…..45LBS machine x12x1…..80LBSx12x1
  • Friday -CHEST
ISO lateral bench press. 25x2LBSx10x1…45x2LBSx10x3

Incline dumbell press- 35LBSx10x1…40LBSx8x2

Machine Chest flys-110LBSx8x4

-Saturday - BICEPS

Barbell preacher curl straight bar- -40LBSx12x1…50LBSx10x2

Dumbell hammer curls- 30LBSx10x4

Dumbell curls -25lbsx10x3

Incline dumbell curls - 15LBSx15x

Tricep dips -20x2…15x1

Sunday - TRICEPS

Tricep dips- 10x1

Machine Rope push down-60lbsx12x1…70lbsx8x1….60lbsx10x1

Machine close-grip push-down-60lbsx12x1…70lbsx10x2

Machine wide-grip push-down-50lbsx12x1….60lbsx10x1…70lbsx8x1

Barbell skull crushers-(close-grip)40LBSx10x2 (wide-grip) 40LBSx10x2

Dumbell overhead tricep extension- 47.5x10x3

Machine arm extension-30lbsx12x1

Stationary Bike -1.15miles
@fbxlthtn59 Would probably be much easier to just follow a program of the r/fitness wiki like a 6x a week PPL routine and just do the stationary bike work all together on the rest day and count it as active recovery
@dawn16 I have done PPL splits in the past but I don’t tend to be consistent between all muscles due to my ADHD (for example: rushing through my chest workouts so I can get to the Triceps which are more mentally stimulating for me) I have found that targeting a specific muscle each day allows me to entirely focus and do everything I need to do for that muscle.
@fbxlthtn59 I think it’s important for you to understand that you do not need an entire day of work dedicated to one specific muscle group

Like triceps, they do not need an entire day dedicated to themselves and you are more than likely not achieving appropriate stimulus by only hitting them once a week. Same for the other muscle groups
@dawn16 I really appreciate your replies and I know the PPL split works amazingly for a lot of people, I just find that my mind and my ADHD really limit my workout potential when using the more conventional workout programs. I always find natural ways to get past my ADHD roadblocks tho!!
@fbxlthtn59 I also suffer from severe adhd so I get it a bit

But it sounds as if you are basing your performance gains off of soreness and fatigue from a workout which is one of the worst ways to train

This is why an actual program, regardless if it’s a PPL split or not, is important because it will or at least SHOULD, have some form of progressive overloading built into the routine
@dawn16 Is this true Even if I am able to absolutely destroy each muscle doing it once a week compared to not having enough time to really wear down my muscles during PPL splits figuring as I still only am able to workout for 1 hour each morning?

Using my method I experience soreness in muscles like my biceps and triceps that I never experience when doing PPL splits.
@fbxlthtn59 You have enough time to hit the gym 7 days a week

How do you not have time to hit them more than once a week mate

Muscle soreness is not an appropriate indicator for progression. If you aren’t achieving better muscle gains or strength gains then odds are you are lifting like inappropriately and need to increase the intensity of your workout data during a standard PPL routine